Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Seguro médico de viaje internacional para EE.UU.
Los turistas extranjeros no està ¡n obligados por ley a comprar seguro mà ©dico internacional para viajar a Estados Unidos. Sin embargo, carecer de cobertura mà ©dica en ese paà s puede causar consecuencias econà ³micas y migratorias muy graves. Puntos Clave: seguro mà ©dico de viaje para EE.UU. Costo medio visita a Emergencias: $2.168 dà ³lares americanosCosto seguro mà ©dico de viaje: a partir de $1.50Cà ³mo elegir el mejor seguro: Travel Insurance Center, SquaremouthProblemas migratorios: Cancelacià ³n de visa de turista o ESTA. Problema cada vez mà ¡s frecuente. Costo de gastos mà ©dicos en EE.UU. No cabe duda de que en Estados Unidos hay mà ©dicos y hospitales que son los mejores en su especialidad a nivel mundial como, por ejemplo, en el tratamiento de cà ¡ncer. Pero tambià ©n es la sanidad mà ¡s cara del mundo. Segà ºn datos del National Institute for Health, el costo promedio de una factura por asistencia mà ©dica en Urgencias de un hospital (ER, por sus siglas en inglà ©s), es de $2.168. Ademà ¡s, hay que tener en cuenta que el costo puede variar enormemente no sà ³lo segà ºn la naturaleza del problema de salud, sino que tambià ©n depende del tratamiento, de los anà ¡lisis practicados y del lugar en el que se reciben los cuidados mà ©dicos. Por ejemplo y segà ºn datos de International Insurance Travel Group, los gastos facturados pueden ser los siguientes: Dolor de cabeza: de $15 a $17.797Infeccià ³n de orina: de $50 a $73.002Piedra en rià ±Ã ³n: de $128 a $39.408Consulta mà ©dica tà pica: de $150 a $200Anà ¡lisis de sangre: pueden llegar a costar $1.200 Recientemente varios medios de comunicacià ³n se han hecho eco de dos casos en los que una mujer recibià ³ una factura de $2.229.11 por tres puntos de sutura y un hombre de mà ¡s de $3.500 por cinco puntos, a pesar de que el costo promedio està ¡ entre $150 y $350. En esas cifras queda claro que los costes son altà simos y que dependen en gran medida del lugar dà ³nde se recibe el cuidado mà ©dico. El problema es tan grande que, de hecho, los costos mà ©dicos son la principal causa de bancarrota familiar en el paà s ya que tan solo en 2016 se solicitaron 770.846 segà ºn el National Bankkrupcy Forum. Los turistas internacionales visitando los Estados Unidos deberà an comprar un seguro mà ©dico antes de salir de sus paà ses para evitar tener que pagar ese tipo de gastos mà ©dicos por problemas que puedan surgir durante la visita. à ¿Cuà ¡l es el mejor seguro mà ©dico de viaje para EE.UU. y quà © està ¡ excluido? Un buen nà ºmero de aseguradoras que venden seguros de viaje internacionales excluyen a Estados Unidos de sus pà ³lizas por el alto costo de los servicios mà ©dicos en este paà s. Por ello es fundamental asegurarse de que el seguro que se quiere cubre Estados Unidos. Ademà ¡s, es altamente recomendable preguntar cuà ¡n grande es la red de mà ©dicos y hospitales en el paà s de la aseguradora, si està ¡ incluido un servicio de traduccià ³n si no se habla inglà ©s y tambià ©n de evacuacià ³n mà ©dica, ambulancia y repatriacià ³n. Una vez que esos puntos se han clarificado, lo que es el mejor seguro depende de las necesidades de la persona que lo contrata, de su salud e incluso de su edad. Tambià ©n de si prefiere pagar una cantidad alta y no hacer co-pagos o prefiere abonar una pequeà ±a y, si hay un accidente o enfermedad, realizar un pago junto con el seguro. Cabe destacar que en la mayorà a de los seguros para turistas que viajan a EE.UU. està ¡n excluidos todas ls enfermedades y condiciones pre-existentes entre los que se encuentran la diabetes, el cà ¡ncer, problemas de corazà ³n, etc. Ademà ¡s, con carà ¡cter general no està ¡n incluidos en estas pà ³lizas los gastos ocasionados por un embarazo, el parto, consultas genà ©ricas de cualquier clase, vacunas, exà ¡menes oculares o dentales y procedimientos cosmà ©ticos. à ¿Cà ³mo comprar un seguro mà ©dico de viaje para EE.UU? Se puede comprar cualquier seguro mà ©dico internacional que expresamente incluya Estados Unidos. A la hora de comprar es recomendable consultar con precios y condiciones de varias aseguradoras. Ademà ¡s, el seguro mà ©dico de viaje se puede comprar online en la pà ¡gina web de Travel Insurance Center, que està ¡ afiliada con USA Tourist.com y ofrece una gran variedad de seguros. Tambià ©n es recomendable verificar con Squaremouth y comparar entre cientos de seguros para ver cuà ¡l es el mà ¡s conveniente para cada caso. Tanto Travel Insurance Center como Squaremouth està ¡n recomendadas por embajadas y consulados americanos. à ¿Cuà ¡l es el costo de un seguro mà ©dico de viaje para EE.UU.? Hay una gran variedad de precios dependiendo de, entre otras cosas, quà © cantidad de cobertura mà ©dica se compra. Es prà ¡ctica frecuente asegurar entre $50.000 y $100.000 para viajes inferiores a tres meses y de $100,000 a $500,000 para estancias previstas superiores a un trimestre. Obviamente, se puede asegurar mà ¡s cantidad o, incluso, sin tope mà ¡ximo. Ademà ¡s de la cantidad asegurada influye en el precio del seguro mà ©dico el tipo de beneficios que se incluye y quà © se excluye, si hay co-pago cada vez que se utiliza el seguro, si hay deducible y la cantidad de à ©ste. El deducible ââ¬âdeductible en inglà ©s ââ¬â es la cantidad de dinero que el asegurado debe pagar por un gasto mà ©dico cubierto por la pà ³liza antes de que empiece a pagar el seguro. Por ejemplo, si hay un deducible de $2.000 eso quiere decir que el asegurado debe gastar esa cantidad en recibir servicios y cuidados mà ©dicos antes de que el seguro comience a pagar. El deducible es diferente al costo del seguro, que se conoce en inglà ©s como premium, y debe pagarse en el momento en que se contrata el seguro. Teniendo en cuenta todo lo dicho en los pà ¡rrafos anteriores, el seguro mà ©dico puede costar entre $1.50 por dà a a mà ¡s de $10 por dà a, dependiendo de lo que se asegure. Es muy recomendable guardar facturas siempre si se acude a un mà ©dico o a un hospital. Ademà ¡s, en el caso de las medicinas la mayorà a de las aseguradoras siguen la polà tica de que el turista debe pagar por ellas y mà ¡s tarde le regresa el gasto, pero debe recibir factura que le debe enviar el asegurado. à ¿Dà ³nde recibir tratamiento mà ©dico barato en EE.UU.? Los tratamientos mà ©dicos en Estados Unidos pueden ser muy caros aà ºn estando asegurados porque, por lo general, la mayorà a de los asegurados deben pagar parte de la consulta o procedimiento. Por esta razà ³n es muy comà ºn que, salvo casos de emergencia, se acuda a centros econà ³micos y nunca a Salas de Emergencia de hospitales para asuntos como dolor de garganta, resfriados, infeccià ³n de orina, dolores de cabeza, etc. En Estados Unidos prestan estos servicios un abanico de centros, entre los que destacan las Clà nicas de Salud Comunitarias, las Clà nicas de Cuidado Urgente y las clà nicas Walk-in. Se puede consultar sus ubicaciones y cuà ¡l es la mà ¡s cercana en la pà ¡gina de la Asociacià ³n Nacional de Clà nicas Gratuitas y Caritativas (National Association of Free and Charitable Clinics, en inglà ©s. Por à ºltimo, cabe destacar que en cadenas como CVS, Walgreens o Walmart es habitual que brinden un servicio para rutinas mà ©dicas a cargo de enfermeros y asistentes mà ©dicos. à ¿Por quà © cuando un turista no paga una factura mà ©dica puede tener consecuencias graves? Los turistas, tanto los que viajan con visa como los que pueden hacerlo con ESTA, pueden sufrir la revocacià ³n de esos documentos y la prohibicià ³n de ingresar a Estados Unidos por no pagar un gasto mà ©dico. La razà ³n està ¡ en la Ley de Tratamiento Mà ©dico de Emergencia (EMTALA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) que dice que los hospitales y mà ©dicos tienen la obligacià ³n de atender las emergencias de todas las personas que lo necesiten. Emergencia en EE.UU. significa, entre otras cosas, que no se haya ingresado al paà s para recibir ese tipo de tratamiento y que de no recibir el cuidado mà ©dico urgente la persona enferma o accidentada puede morir o sufrir un fallo de un à ³rgano o parte de su cuerpo. Ademà ¡s, para ser emergencia el problema debe haber surgido de repente, es decir, no puede ser el resultado de una condicià ³n previa debilitante. Como ejemplos de emergencias pueden citarse los partos, la amputacià ³n de una pierna o brazo, un ataque de apendicitis, etc. En estos casos de emergencia que el hospital debe atender si el enfermo o accidentado no paga o/y no tiene seguro mà ©dico el que acaba pagando es Medicaid, que està ¡ financiado con dinero de impuestos de los estadounidenses a travà ©s de aportaciones de los estados y de dinero del gobierno federal. Precisamente esto à ºltimo es lo que puede causar problemas migratorios de anulacià ³n de visa o ESTA y de no poder conseguir visas inmigrantes o no inmigrantes a partir de ese momento porque se puede considerar a la persona que no pagà ³ como una carga pà ºblica y, por lo tanto, inadmisible para ingresar a EE.UU. Puede tomar esa decisià ³n un agente consular o cualquier miembro de la CBP (Patrulla Pronteriza). Asà , puede darse casos como, por ejemplo, que una seà ±ora dà © a luz en EE.UU. como turista y a partir de ese dà a ingrese al paà s en varias ocasiones sin ningà ºn tipo de problema. Y de repente un dà a en el puesto de control migratorio se le niegue la entrada al paà s y se le revoque la visa o la ESTA por decisià ³n de la persona encargada en ese momento de checar los papeles. En la actualidad, à ©ste es un problema cada vez mà ¡s frecuente que afecta a unas personas pero no a todos, ya que depende de la decisià ³n personal de agente de la CBP o del consulado. En estos momentos no es posible saber con certeza ni quià ©n se va a quedar sin visa por esta causa ni cuà ¡ndo pero sà que es una situacià ³n cada vez mà ¡s comà ºn. La CBP no ha notificado pà ºblicamente cà ³mo se entera de que una persona no pagà ³ una emergencia mà ©dica pero en algà ºn momento durante la emergencia mà ©dica se obtiene el pasaporte del turista, se escanea y se envà a a las autoridades en todos los controles migratorios en las aduanas. Ademà ¡s, en el caso de haber dado a luz a un nià ±o en EE.UU. los datos de ambos padres se obtienen fà ¡cilmente al solicitar el pasaporte estadounidense para el menor. Cada vez son mà ¡s frecuentes los casos en los que en ese momento se anula las visas de los dos progenitores. Ademà ¡s, destacar que à ©stos no tienen derechos migratorios mientras el hijo es menor de 21 aà ±os. Por à ºltimo, cabe destacar que ningà ºn hospital o mà ©dico atiende a turistas sin seguro o sin pago previo exceptuando ese caso de emergencia explicado en los pà ¡rrafos anteriores por lo que es altamente recomendable comprar un seguro mà ©dico de viaje antes de ingresar a EE.UU. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es consejo legal para ningà ºn caso en particular.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Phenomenological Qualitative Research and Research...
Chapter 4: Research methodology 74 CHAPTER 4: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Phenomenology is the science that studies truth. It stands back from our rational involvement with things and marvels at the fact that there is disclosure, that things do appear, that the world can be understood and that we in our life thinking serve as datives for the manifestation of things Sokolowski (2000, p. 185) 4.1. QUALITATIVE VERSUS QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH 4.1.1. Introduction In psychology research, few quantitative studies have definitively demonstrated the complexities involved in the process of psychotherapeutic change. Many researchers in the field are critical of existing quantitative research methods and argue that, in controlling andâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Thus the object being studied is acknowledged as possessing the same consciousness as the researcher. The analysis of the phenomenon thus needs to be different to the analysis of a natural object. He suggests that concepts such as ââ¬Å"forcesâ⬠and ââ¬Å"motivations unfolding over timeâ⬠are more appropriate for describing human relationships in research. Chapter 4: Research methodology 76 Scientific thinking is defined as a way of approaching knowledge that is systematic, methodical and critical as well as general (Giorgi, 1995). Giorgi posits that phenomenology, whilst embracing these aspects of scientific thinking, emphasises the fact of knowledge as correlated with consciousness and a phenomenon. He asserts that phenomenology makes thematic, consciousness, and all of the objects, events and processes that come to awareness by means of this consciousness. In thematising consciousness in this way, he sees scientific understandings as being opened up to allow for a more precise comprehension of psychological subject matter. Qualitative inquiry strives to achieve an understanding of how people co-construct their life-world as meaningful. Not only do humans possess consciousness, but this consciousness is also a creative participant in the relationship between people and their experience of the world. People are creative co-contributors to their life-world, and ââ¬Ërealityââ¬â¢ is co-constructed between people. The term ââ¬Ëco-constructââ¬â¢ refers to the way peopleShow MoreRelatedPhenomenology used in Qualitative Research817 Words à |à 3 Pagesin Qualitative Research Many phenomenological methodologies have been developed and used by qualitative researchers to review individualsââ¬â¢ experiences. Phenomenology for organizational research, descriptive phenomenological method, hermeneutic phenomenology, interpretive phenomenology, and interpretative phenomenological analysis are the five popular phenomenological methodologies in qualitative inquiry. Phenomenology for organizational research. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
African American Removal Act Of 1830 - 909 Words
Interestingly enough, despite the new era of thinking ushered in by the enlightenment movement that highlighted manââ¬â¢s natural rights there was inequality in abundance affecting the majority of women, african americans, and native americans. Native americans felt the impact of manifest much differently than others with the indian removal act of 1830. African Americans were negatively impacted as a result of manifest destiny meant the expansion of slavery itself. Eventually, the southern economy would become even more dependent on slave labor due to king cotton. Once the cotton gin was invented by Eli whitney the market had greater means to supply while the demand also simultaneously grew. This resulted in slavery etching itself even deeper into the fabric of the southern economy making the south extremely paranoid to the intentions of the north. They were so protective over keeping their right to have slaves it created a great feud between north and south that would eventually end in a civil war. But before this would occur things would get tougher on slaves when fear of revolts would inspire southern legislature to develop the slave codes. These codes further restricted the freedom of slaves which were already almost unexistent. They werenââ¬â¢t allowed to gather amongst themselves for any reason including religious worship out of fear that such congregating could result in schemes to revolt. Furthermore, to hinder their progression into society and deny them the competence toShow MoreRelatedTrail of Tears: Forceful Removal of Indians in the US837 Words à |à 3 PagesThe forceful removal and exodus of thousands of Native Americans from their lands east of the Mississippi River during the 1830s is often called the Trail of Tears. This removal of Native Americans from their lands was a result of the Indian Removal Act of 1830, which was signed by then-President Andrew Jackson one year into his presidency and which President Martin Van Buren ensured wa s carried out. When Andrew Jackson became President of the United States in 1829, he based his decision of signingRead MoreMississippi History: Indian Removal Act, 13th Amendment, and Reverend George Lee655 Words à |à 3 PagesIndian Act Removal Act, 13th Amendment, and Reverend George Lee played a big impact Mississippi current status. The Removals of Indians increased the Europeans power and lessened the Indian population. The 13th Amendment abolished slavery. Reverend George Lee was shot down for urging blacks to vote. All these contributed to Mississippi History. The Indian Removal Act was signed into law by President Andrew Jackson on May 28, 1830. The act authorized him to negotiate with the Native Americans in theRead MoreDevelopment of American Society During Andrew Jacksons Presidency957 Words à |à 4 Pagesthe transformation of the American society after the War of 1812 and preceding the Civil War, the two terms of President Andrew Jackson proved to be a crucial time in the development of American society. Jackson and his supporters convinced themselves, and many Americans, that they were, in fact, protectors of American ideals. In their eyes, they remained true to the roots and foundations of the United States. But, in reality, the Democratic party of the 1820s and 1830s did quite the opposite, limitingRead More1.Where And When Was The Document Created? What Is The1280 Words à |à 6 Pages1. Where and when was the document created? What is the main idea being communicated by this document? The first document was created in 1830 by President Andrew Jackson in Washington D.C. The main idea that is being communicated is by having the Indians removed from their territory, would be beneficial to the United States, Individual States and to the Indians. The ââ¬Å"savage Indiansâ⬠will be moved more west so that the land can be occupied by a more civilized population. By doing so, thisRead MoreThe Trail Of Tears By James Collins1452 Words à |à 6 PagesJames Collins Donald West History 201 December 1, 2015 TRAIL OF TEARS The trail of tears is also referred to as the period of Indian s removal. It was a period where Native Americans in the U.S were forcefully relocated following the removal of Indian Removal Act of 1830. Those who were forcibly moved were from Cherokee, Muscogee, Seminole, and Chickasaw and Choctaw nations in the southern U.S, an area initially referred to as the Indian Territory. 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The NAACPââ¬â¢s main focus was on the legal strategies that were designedRead MoreThe Irony Of America s Liberty1031 Words à |à 5 Pagesââ¬Å"givenâ⬠through the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Civil War, even the American Revolution. In, Give Me Liberty! Eric Foner focuses on the major issue and theme is the idea of liberty and freedom. However it was only granted to the whites. Liberty was not given, and our country was based off of harsh treatment and oppression. African Americans were forced to slavery and Native Americans were forced to give up their land along with their ââ¬Å"savageâ⬠ways of life. Eric Foner focusesRead MoreNative American And Native Americans950 Words à |à 4 Pagesbegan conflicts wi th White Americans wanting control over what Native American had. Native Americans believed in freedom for the nation, but things began to change for them, when White American passed the Indians removal act. African American and Native American had similar experiences to pursuit their freedom. Both races were treated like they didnââ¬â¢t exist in the world; different types of acts and laws were created to prevented them from have equal rights. White Americans destroying ever race but
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Computer Security Breaches Web New
Question: Discuss about the Computer Security Breaches Web New. Answer: web for news on computer security breaches The problem of computer security breaches is increasing day by day. The main reason for this problem is lack of appropriate security and privacy of data that is stored into computer systems and shared over different networks. Here we will emphasize on a case of computer security breach that occurred in 2015. Under this discussion, the main problem, why it occurred and what are the possible solutions for this problem will be discussed in detail. News about Data Breach costs Comcast In news of data breaches, case of Comcast Company cannot be ignored. It is a company in United States of America. Due to a big data breach, Comcast Company has agreed to pay a fine of $33 million to customers who are involved in posting their personal information online. There were near about 75000 customers who affected by this big data breach and their personal information got public. The affected customers paid $1.50 a month for keeping their data secure and private to Comcast. According to statement of California Attorney, the violation of privacy of consumers will result in significant penalties and leaking of customers data was a trouble breach of privacy (Checkmarx, 2017). What was the Problem The computer security breach of Comcast Company was held on September 17, 2015. The problem is that personal information of Comcasts customers that was stored in Comcasts database, has hacked by hackers and also made public. Comcast provides so much security to its customers information, but still this computer breach has occurred due to improper usage of security and privacy tools and lack of usage of advanced security techniques and policies (PCWorld, 2017). How and why did security breach occur The root cause of this problem of Comcast Companys security breach is the online posting of personal information of customers that includes names, phone numbers and addresses of customers (Tech Times, 2017). These customers are those who have paid to have voice-over-internet protocol, numbers unlisted and VoIP. The publishing of personal information that should have been unlisted is considered unlawful and it leads to trouble of security breach of privacy and security. Similar thing has happened in case of Comcast Company. Due to lack of security and privacy of data, it has become easier for hackers to hack confidential information from databases or network (LIFARS, 2017). Possible Solutions As we have discussed above, how computer security breach has happened in Comcast Company and due to this potential customers of this company has faced issues that their confidential. Information became public. In this case, it has become necessary for Comcast Company to find possible solutions to resolve this issue of security breach. Following are some possible solutions for handling issues of computer security breach (Morgan, 2017). First of all it is necessary for Comcast Company to improve handling of complaints of customers regarding security of data and vendor use of data. Another possible solution is that Comcast Company has to provide explanation that how unlisted number and personal data are used (com, 2017). All computer systems that are connected with network must have anti-virus in it. Anti-virus helps to control entry of virus into system and if virus finds then fix it successfully. In this way, the virus attacks such as malware and others can be controlled by using advanced anti-virus solutions (Perlroth, 2017). The login credentials that are used by customers for their online accounts must be in encrypted form while stored into database. Encryption is form of cryptography and data in this form is hard to guess. Comcasts security experts should careful about this security technique and must use this while storing data into database. Besides above solutions, it is necessary for Comcast Company to make good security policies and order employees to follow them strictly. The no proper implementation of security policies and companys rules also lead to negative results and chances of security issues are increased (McGoogan, 2017). These are some possible solutions that Comcast Company should implement to resolve issue of privacy and security issues. According to analysis about possible solutions of Comcast Company, it is found that some solutions have already executed in Comcast, but expected outcomes did not get. It means more efforts are required to get full security and privacy of data. Now management of Comcast Company has provided assurance to customers that they are improving their activities to provide much better security to their information and company has already reached to a settlement with the California Public Utilities Commissions and Attorney General of California that brings this matter closure. Like Comcast Company, there are various other companies exist that have already encountered this kind of security and privacy issues. Those companies can also implement above listed solutions to resolve their security problems. Research about popular hack case In this segment of report, we will discuss a popular case of hacking on the web that happened between 2012 and 2016. Here we have selected a case of Yahoo Hack. This incident occurred in December, 2016. This incident is considered biggest data breach of history. As we know that Yahoo is a well-known company that provides telecommunication and other internet services. The Yahoo messenger is also popular among people worldwide. The hacking case of Yahoo was unexpected for its users and management. Now here we will emphasize on hacking case of Yahoo in detail. News about Yahoo Hacking It is admitted by Yahoo that company was hit with the worlds largest cyber-attack that involves breach of customer data. The result of this hacking was losing of personal details and passwords of one billion accounts. What was the Problem According to analysis we got to know that Yahoo got back hacked data in month of November. The information is analyzed by experts of external computer forensics and from this analysis it is confirmed that data is associated with one billion accounts that was hacked in previous years. These one billion accounts include confidential information of names, email addresses. Telephone numbers, hashed passwords and date of birth. This whole information was jumbled and harder to read as compare to plain text. There were also some cases when security questions and answers were also taken. But the stolen information did not include payment or bank account details, because that were stored in a separate system (IdentityForce, 2017). Who were affected and how According to further study about case of Yahoo, it is found that around 3 billion users on the internet and significant numbers of people i.e. one billion were affected due to this attack. These are not small number of people who have affected. Although financial information of customers is secured but still account holders are at risk that they can be targeted by fraudsters those are looking for financial details or any other information. If the combination of stolen passwords and data will be used again by customers then it is possible that hackers can use that to log into other websites. Besides this, phishing attacks are implemented by hackers to target with phishing attacks (McGoogan, 2017). How was attack carried out There was one vulnerable way that is used by hackers to implement this attack i.e. hacking. Through hacking hackers have tried to access confidential information of Yahoos customers from database of this company. The main thing here is stored data is in scrambled form and very hard to understand. But still hackers stole that data. It means security is not properly applied. Besides this, it will be better for Yahoo to use cryptography to maintain security of data. In case of cryptography, encryption technique can be used. This technique encrypts information in unreadable form that is hard to understand by hackers and it is considered better than jumbled of words (Kinney, S., Kinney, 2017). Prevention from Attack As we have discussed above issue of computer security breach that has faced by Yahoo Company, why and how it has happened. From above discussion it is cleared that this hacking attack is vulnerable and must be controlled by company. Here in this segment of report, we will discuss ways that are implemented by Yahoo to get rid of this problem and must be implemented by Yahoo and other companies (Recode, 2017). The first way to get prevention from above discussed attack is to use encryption technique to encrypt data before storing into database. This is an effective way to store data in secure way and chances of hacking data will be reduced. Yahoo security experts should use this technique. (com, 2017) Another way to get prevention from hacking is to manage authorization of users of database in which every data or information is stored. It means login credentials such as username and passwords should be strong and should be stored in encrypted form into database. The access of database should be provided to administration and no other person should be able to access that database without permission (Perlroth, 2017). The security policies of company also matter. If security policy will be effective and followed by all employees of company then issues of hacking or security breaches can be resolved. Besides above listed security techniques, Yahoo is also doing another efforts after occurring of this hacking incident. This company has decided to notify its customers those are affected by this incident and prompt them to secure their accounts on the behalf of some measures such as changing passwords. All unencrypted security questions will be considered now invalid and new ones security questions will be added in encrypted form. The cookie forging hack has also blocked by Yahoo. Therefore, these above listed ways are used by Yahoo Company to resolve problem of hacking. There are million users who have used Yahoo and made accounts on it by providing their personal information to company. Therefore, it is accountability of Yahoo towards its potential customers to provide them full security and privacy. Conclusion After this whole discussion about computer security breaches and hacking issues, we can say that if these issues will be controlled on time then security and privacy of information can be maintained for long time by business organizations. But if proper security tools and techniques will not be implemented by its users then issues of hacking, phishing and identity theft etc. can encountered. It is responsibility of the users and developers to maintain security of data at their own levels. References Checkmarx.(2017). August 2016 Hacks: 8 of the Largest Hacks, Breaches and Cyber Incidents. Retrieved 3 April 2017, from https://www.checkmarx.com/2016/09/11/august-2016-hacks-8-largest-hacks-breaches-cyber-incidents/ PCWorld.(2017). The 10 biggest hacks, breaches, and security stories of 2016. Retrieved 3 April 2017, from https://www.pcworld.com/article/3152367/security/the-10-biggest-hacks-breaches-and-security-stories-of-2016.html Kinney, S., Kinney, S. (2017). 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