Monday, September 30, 2019

Managing and Developing People (Developing People) Essay

Introduction In this assignment I will be interviewing a member asking for their past experience for undergoing a training programme. I will be researching closely upon aspects†¦ * The need for the individual to be on the training programme? * Training method used? * What the cost was? * Any obstacles which made it difficult? These aspects would make the findings for knowing why the member took the training programme and if they gained any skills or knowledge when on the programme. Alongside with what troubles arose when carrying out the training. Interviewee Description The member which I will be interviewing is a 26 year old female called Miss Georgina McDonald who is smart and civilised. She is hard working and likes to socialise with peers and friends. She is able meet deadlines and able to work under pressure when a great load of work is put upon her. The work which Miss Georgina McDonald would train for would be to use the cash machine at Asda. Miss Georgina has had previous skill from her last job where she had to cash up all the finances of her fathers business on a daily basis. She has good numeric qualifications in which will benefit her for any job. Job Role In Miss Georgina’s previous job she had to cash up all the money which was done in her fathers business and had to input the tight figures so that it couldn’t affect the accounts for the business. Her father had made her do the financing as she had the qualifications for maths and was able to count up properly. In Asda the job role which she would want to do is being at the cashing machine as this is one of the good things she is capable of doing. Identifying Reason for being on Training Programme The environment in which everyone does business in is changing constantly, the knowledge and skill needed for the job will also change. The individual to be on the training programme is so she can improve her skill on how to work on the cash machine. Training for using the cash machine is very essential as proper calculations are compulsory. Asda wants to make sure that who ever work in the cashier section is well trained and have no problems being able to carry out tasks on how to manage the cashier. This is taken as one of the important parts in a business as finance’s can not go wrong. Asda pushes on getting the individual well trained to be able to manage any troubles caused by being able to find out where she has gone wrong. All this matters in training and what they should be taught, what they need to collect how much, they need to give and if they go wrong somewhere how they can cover it. Miss Georgina was given the training as she did not have any cashier skills which would guide her alongside with the job. She had to be given a good level of training so that she could manage a till properly. Miss Georgina had been given the training because she knew without any previous skill or knowledge she would not be able to run a till. There were appraisals with Miss Georgina which helped her with the running and to tell her of any mistakes she was making and setting out objectives for the next appraisal. Description of Training Method For the individual to be on a training programme is so they can handle the work place more efficiently and work with what ever they have been given with best of ability. Usually young people who have left or still studying go on training programmes as it gives them the knowledge and motivation in life. Training methods come useful in the future as it shows what the individual has achieved and what they can offer to the business. Training comes in different form for e.g†¦. * Induction – An induction usually is the best way for people getting involved into activities in a new environment. This helps them to know the new place and be familiar with the others. This helps peoples confidence and be able to communicate with members. In Asda it is essential to give a new comer an Induction this is so that they would get familiar with any health and safety aspects and know where any fire exits are located. In many cases induction days are taken so that individuals can get to know the workforce which they in. This helps build confidence and gain a good communication. * Job Shadowing – This training method is known as an activity which many organisation make employees do when doing a task. This activity can make an individual carry out a task and make them improve on in by someone senior watching or they could do the task by their own skill and be told what they could do better from improving the method. Asda would not use a job shadow to know what the member is capable of doing and how they would increase the skill by telling them what to do. * Mentoring – This method helps individuals to carry out an activity with a senior teaching it. It helps individuals know where they are going wrong and how they can improve it. This helps the individual do the job from its existing skill and if they do it different then expected it would be corrected. Mentoring is a good way of identifying the individual’s capability of doing a task and how they can do it. If a senior is to show them how to use a cash machine they would get to know what the functions are for. This method will be appropriate for Asda to do on the individual. * On the Job Training – Many businesses usually use the method of training the individual at the work place. This is so that they can work with the resources the have there and also start off with using equipment they have to offer. The trainee is ready to undergo any task at the workplace immediately. When working on the job it is also an advantage to get feedback straight away rather then carrying out a task then being told later on. When the mentoring is done it is possible for the member to get on the job training so that they can work on the equipment at the work place. It is more of a benefit to get training in the real life rather then going somewhere and spending time there. If the member is able to carry the task and get training at the same time this would be less time consuming and not costly at all. * Off the Job – Many businesses tend to send there trainee’s off to another place to learn how to carry out tasks. Resources are used which they offer there and they use them to carry the task. Off the job training also consists of sending an individual off to do a course which they learn at a college or university. Off the job training is worth doing at Asda as this could make the individual gain more experience and skill and carry out the task efficiently. Many times Asda does not send employee’s on off the job training as this is costly and time consuming. Identifying Training Needs for Trainee The reason for Miss Georgina to be on the training programme is so that she can increase on her productivity for what she is good at. This would make her efficient and comfortable in carrying out a day to day activity. The training needs which will benefit Miss Georgina would be†¦ > Higher Productivity > Efficiency > Confident in Numeric > Have a high level of Motivation > Good future opportunity The reason why Miss Georgina has to be given this training programme is so that she could gain more knowledge on what she is good at. Miss Georgina is not fully qualified and understands the misuse of inappropriate use of calculations, this is why she has been given the opportunity to go on a training programme which she can touch up on and make sure that she don’t make silly mistakes. Strength and Weakness The strengths for using the training method on the job training will be a strength as it will help the individual to get a better view of the organisation and who they will working with. This is an advantage because it increases confidence and able to socialise with piers. It builds a family environment when doing this aspect because before they can come in to the real job they would have made friends already. For carrying out an OJT this is a way which the member can increase in skills and be able to forward their knowledge to someone else. Advantages of On The Job Training * Training can be delivered at the optimum time, this means it can immediately perform the task any time in the real world. * The trainee will have the opportunity to practise immediately * Immediate feedback will be provided * Training is delivered to trainee from senior who can integrate the trainee in a team. The Weaknesses in a business will always be the time consuming which effects the running as this is a crucial time in a business. If training programmes are made long it will also effect the costing. A weakness for training a member is that after getting the training from somewhere they usually head off some where better. The weaknesses which Asda could face are†¦ Disadvantages for On the Job Training * Too much training can be delivered in one session causing of information overload. * The trainer may not have the right skill and knowledge to teach the trainee with. * If immediate practise is not accompanied by feedback the trainee can feel abandoned after the initial experience. Benefit and Costs for Training The costs for training the individual at Asda will cost nothing as it will be carried out on the job, meaning what every training the member will get will be done in Asda. The reason for this is that it will not cost at all and the individual will be able to stay on the premises that won’t need to go off some where else. The benefit for doing this training will be so that the member can increase their knowledge by doing it efficiently and also if they have the opportunity to get promoted they could be able to handle a sector in Asda. The benefit for members to have a training programme is so that they can increase their skills and knowledge in any task they have been specified, also carrying out tasks more efficiently and in a short amount of time. By giving training it helps individuals to cut down on mistakes and blunders made by them. By training it can help health hazards reducing hazards being encountered at the work place. The costs for having training are the cost of materials which may be needed for the process and also the time needed by the members which will be issuing the programme. For training to be carried out it takes up a great deal of time for the leader as they have to make sure what they are teaching the member is relevant to the programme specified. It is also costly when setting up the resources for using on the training area and time is needed for when doing the training. Obstacles for Training Training can be seen in different ways, firstly, the management of the company might see it as a way of making the company more efficient, as well as teaching important skills to employees in order to improve performance. At the same time it can be seen as a way of rewarding hardworking employees with a different environment for a short period of time. On the other hand, employees might look back on their last training session, still trying to work out what exactly it was they learnt from the experience, but nevertheless having enjoyed the change of scenery but hating the pile of work that greeted them on their return. If training is implemented correctly it can bring back great rewards such as greater workplace efficiency, specialised skills and knowledge as well as employee satisfaction. Finally remember that depending on how training is done, it can be very productive and useful or a complete waste of time and money, it can bring teams together or split them apart.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

How to Create Active Reading Notes

ENGLISH 4U ACTIVE READING NOTES While you read your chosen novels and other relevant material you should be keeping notes. The goal is to jot down ideas and thoughts as you are reading, thus making the process active. You should write something every time you read. Your instinct may be to write your opinion of what you have read. While this is okay to include in reading notes, reserve these comments for your reading log. Your active reading notes should be of more substance in order to formulate an essay-worthy comparison. The suggestions below should help guide your note writing. Jot other elements you want to investigate on the back of this sheet. Use the margin of your page! Note the date, chapter and/or page numbers, as well as ideas for comparison. Limit what you put in the margin, but use it to help you access information for easy reference and citations. Sample Questions to answer: †¢ How does the author develop elements of the novel: †¢ What devices have been used? †¢ Are foreshadowing and flashback integral in the development of the novel’s elements? What is the author’s lexicon like and how does this reflect the novel’s elements? †¢ Is the language formal or informal? How does this contribute to the author’s style? †¢ What wording/phrasing is used – what mood is being set? †¢ Does the author create empathy? Other factors to consider – this information may not be useful to create your comparison essay; however it will help you make other decisions (for example determine which text is better, consider how the book is marketed, etc. †¢ Front and back cover – impression, style, what’s there? †¢ Shape and size of the book; paper used †¢ Layout of chapters and information therein †¢ Font, layoutof pages (numbering) †¢ Reviews – who they are, what they said, do you agree †¢ Pages outside the story: foreward, author’s notes, glossary, acknowledgements Also note: †¢ Interesting or questionable grammar and vocabulary †¢ Historical facts that help a reader understand the story †¢ Information about the author

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Advantages Of Women Entrepreneurs Business Essay

Advantages Of Women Entrepreneurs Business Essay In India women entrepreneurs play a very pivotal role. They are not only educated, talented, confident, ambitious and career oriented but they also know their minds. This helps them to juggle the tasks, manage all the chores and strike a fine balance between the professional and personal lives. They have a good foresight, patience, negotiating and budgeting skills. Today, women have demonstrated their multitasking ability. Women entrepreneurs can certainly initiate, organize, plan and operate their small and medium venture efficiently. Affirming this notion, Ms. Husain Chairperson and Managing Director of Shanaz Husain Group of companies elaborate, â€Å"the women who is creative finds greater freedom to translate her creativity and ideas when she has her own enterprise. For those women without high professional qualifications and those who are from a lower economic sector, entrepreneurship is a means of earning money and contributing to the family income. However, the challenge fo r the larger sections of women in India lies in crossing the threshold, overcoming barriers and discovering their own potential and identity. The climate is more conducive today and the time is right.† C:UsershclDesktopwomen-business.jpg ADVANTAGES OF WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS Advantages of women entrepreneurs are as follows: 1. Emotional Intelligence Women are more emotionally intelligent than man and possess good interpersonal skills which are vital for framing strategies and building support. 2. Multitask Orientation Women have the ability of handling many tasks at the same time like talking on the phone, reading their mails, scheduling what else needs to be finished for the rest of the day and giving excellent results. They balance their families and career simultaneously effectively. Men are known to have been more troublesome with multitasking tending to focus on one or two things, thus wasting opportunities. 3. Self-Branding Attitude Woman entrepreneurs are extremely passiona te by nature and enthusiastic about their choices, talking about them and sharing their thoughts. They emphasize the benefits of their services to their potential clients and are aware of how to highlight the positive features. 4. Patience Women entrepreneurs are very patience by nature and have great vision. Visionary entrepreneurs giving up on their dreams after only some months as a consequence of becoming impatient with the process only proves that the vision is not enough. The ability to wait and see is a key attribute in order to receive positive outcomes and women have it naturally. 5. Motivation Women entrepreneurs have a great passion for the work and a commitment to society. If they have the drive to pursue entrepreneurship, it means they are not afraid of taking any risks and will also make monetary gains. They possess the inner strength to continue and searches all possible means to share their business ideas with others. The increasing number of women entrepreneurs can promote economic and social equity which facilitates self-fulfillment for individuals, and improve the use of valuable human capital. Feminine traits and talents can be seen as sources of power with great advantages for entrepreneurship. In the near future women may be closing the venture capital gender gap.

Friday, September 27, 2019

International marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

International marketing - Essay Example Ultimately, the take away message that the reader is instilled with necessarily points definitively to the means by which globalization and the clear and incessant need for differentiation and change ultimately defines the current environment. In such a way, the preceding analysis will first seek to provide a general summary of Friedman’s book and then go on to draw inference with regards to how some of the key concepts and presentations that Friedman made can be utilized in an understanding how a firm/entity engages with a globalized appreciation for the 4P’s of marketing. Accordingly, through such an analysis, it is the hope of this author that the reader will gain a further level of inference with regards to the way in which Friedman presents his main argument as well as the applicable it and usefulness that these arguments have with relation to specific aspects of marketing that have been discussed thus far within this course. In this particular way, although Friedm an engages with a host of topics, both historical and current, the ultimate goal of his piece is to instruct the reader with regards to the key changes that must take place within the current market in order for both the United States and the individual is this owner within it to continue to leverage degree of profit within the ever-changing dynamics of the global marketplace. In such a way, even though the reader might be distracted at times with the historical and geographic journey that Friedman engages in, the ultimate understanding that is represented within each of these case studies, interviews, historical interpretations, and analysis is with regards to how the current world model has developed and will continue to develop into the near future. One of the key understandings that the reader is left with upon nearing the conclusion of Friedman’s piece is with regards to some of the key forces that pose a severe potential for harm with regards to the current dynamic that is thus far been described in his book. Rather than engaging in a level of sensationalism or fear mongering, Friedman ultimately discusses with the reader a realistic approach to each of these threats and shows how further levels of collaboration/cooperation, within the construct of the globalized system as it currently exists, is ultimately able to defeat these threats. Although there are many salient aspects discussed within Friedman’s book, the reader can specifically relate his interpretation of the interconnected and rapidly changing nature of the current economic and political system that the fines the world as specifically cogent with regards to the 4P’s of marketing. Naturally, the 4P’s necessarily refer to price, place, promotion, and product. Within the construct of a globalized world that is increasingly dependent upon the way that each of these 4P’s is evidenced within given cultures/markets, it becomes apparent to the reader that such an und erstanding and application of Friedman’s worldview, illustrated within his book, is ultimately able to exponentially expand the approach to the individual might have with regards to these 4P’s. What is meant by this is the fact that the 4P’s of marketing are oftentimes taught within the construct of a specific geographic setting. For instance, when the student integrates with an understanding of price, promotion, product, and place, the economy is oftentimes understood within the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Operationalizing New Service Concept in Pre-Existing Fast Food Chain Essay

Operationalizing New Service Concept in Pre-Existing Fast Food Chain of Restaurants - Essay Example Introduction 4 2. Background 5 3. Literature Review 5 4. Designing New Service Concept and Service Innovation 6 5. Research 6 6. Service Recovery Design 7 7. Recommendations 8 8. Service Strategy 10 9. Conclusion 10 10. References 12 1. Introduction Customers are significant for every business , however, for fast food companies , which offer food which are perishable, it is very important to retain customer, create customer loyalty and regulate customers to survive in the increasingly competitive environment, which has been elevated through the globalization of fast food chains. Brink and Berndt (2004) found that many companies spent a lot of their efforts, money and time to recruit new customers but a few companies took appropriate steps to retain customer and customer loyally. In 2011, the total revenue generated by Italian fast food market was $2.1 billion, which represents a negative annual rate from 2007 to 2011. The demand for fast food was high till 2007 and the market perform ance also reduced during this time period. The market volume in fast food is classed as the number of visits the customer makes to the same fast food restaurant. Fast food restaurant market can be broken down into- Take Away Quick Service restaurant Mobile Food Street The fast food restaurant at the leisure locations The fast food chains meet new competitors in the market and customer relationship is the marketing purpose which can keep customers from going to the competitors (Ramakrishnan, 2006). Customer retention is the method which helps to keep customers actively involved with the firm through optimal allocation of resources (Kotelnikov, 2006). Six economic benefits of customer retention as outlined by Brink and Berndt (2004)- It reduces the cost of customer acquisition and customer replacement. It guarantees base profits as the customers may follow the minimum spend for a time period. It promotes increased customer revenue. It reduces the overall operating costs as the compani es spread the costs over many customers. It provides easy referral to new customers from the pre-existing customers and the customer can be charged premium price as they do not wait for discounts or price reductions. 2. Background The Italian restaurant operates a chain of 26 full-service restaurants close to shopping malls and high streets. The restaurant is known for excellent service and high quality Italian cuisine. The restaurant is looking for expansion opportunities and the management wants to launch new chain which will have following features 1. Low cost food 2. Limited menu The main issue is that the new outlets may lead to poor customer experience which can tarnish the image of the well established restaurant brand. Regardless of what the service industry perceive about their service and customers, the service should function for customers properly. It should be as per the perceived notion of service by the customer, even if in case, the customers have not experienced it previously (Johnston and Clark, 2001). Through word-of-mouth customer have a perceived imagination of the type of service, and during and after the service delivery the service should meet customers’ expectations related to the duration, notion and flexibility provided. Every organisation should focus on delivering the service concept. The paper explains how service concept is the key driver in service design decision at various

Cuban culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Cuban culture - Essay Example Hernandez has your full attention could breed a form of distrust. To best show Mrs. Hernandez that her concerns are being addressed, appropriate interjections while she is talking to show that you are paying attention, but waiting to provide a more full response until she is complete should be sufficient. Through this manner, you are showing that you are practicing effective communication skills, offering information showing that you are familiar with the culture by the brief touches that handshakes afford, but still maintaining a professional distance by not attempting to become overly familiar with her, for in her eyes, you would be associated with the government, due to the messages that the government has been touting for over half a century. In order to assist Mrs. Hernandez in developing a plan for a 1500 calorie diet, instead of changing the way that she cooks food – plantains taste exceedingly different if they are fried versus when they are grilled, perhaps the better alternative would be to offer her alternative styles of Cuban foods that would fit into a 1500 calorie diet plan, such as Cuban Stuffed Pork Tenderloin, which has 160 calories per serving (Spark Recipes, 2013), or Cuban Garbanzo Bean Salad at 320.4 calories per serving (Spark Recipes, 2013). To assist her in getting on the path to regular exercise, the ideas of walking to the grocery store and carrying her purchases back herself is one good example of how she can increase her daily activity level, as is gardening, but showing her that every activity is a form of exercise may make her more active. Explaining that everything from vacuuming to house work, yard work to cooking can be a form of exercise should prompt her to be more active, and explaining how things that may seem like they are not exercise, such as kneading bread, offer therapeutic ways to increase activity levels to a healthy level should prompt her to become more active overall. I agree with your statement that I would not encourage Mrs. Hernandez to go to the botanica; however, I would not stop her either. It is a part of not just Cuban culture, but many other cultures that has its first inclination to look for an herbal alternative before it looks for a medical alternative. I believe that you are on the correct path, as well, in asking her that if she does so, to bring the items she purchases to you, as the herbs that she purchases may have an adverse effect on the medications that have been prescribed, as in the case of willow bark being taken at the same time a person is on an aspirin regimen. Due to the proliferation of complementary and alternative medicines in Cuban culture, the Institute of Medicine’s Academy of Science went so far as to suggest schools incorporate information on these alternative practices and folk remedies into their teachings in order to ensure that the treating physician, nurse, or pharmacist had ideas already in place about the potential alternative medicines that patients such as Mrs. Hernandez might use (Applebaum, Kligler, Barrett, Frenkel, Guerrera, Kondwani, Lee & Tattelman, 2006). Works Cited

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Choose from the book Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Choose from the book - Essay Example Third, has there been feedback to this research. And, forth, what are the establishments and/or findings of this research. Parenthetically, researchers normally distinguish young as being between the ages of 18-29 (Zukin et al 11-12). However there is a prior issue: Why is civic engagement essential and, parenthetically, what is civic engagement? Well, this is the key of the Presidential Citizens Scholar Plan, something an individual will discuss, assess and examine as course participants so it would inappropriate for us to answer these questions for them. The extensive social importance, nevertheless, lie in the social contact and even intermittently civic discussions over pizza and beer that many people forgo. Some onlookers assert that an essential concept, or theory, that this reduction in engagement, disengagement, could be generations, that is, younger cohorts are less involved or engaged than older generations. If this is authentic and if the reduction in engagements perpetuat es then total disengagement is in the offing, that is, it is predisposed to the very near future. This particular issue is why researchers concentrating on young adult and civic engagement is now all the rage (Zukin at al 15-19). The public opinion polls indicate that young people do not comprehend the notions of citizenship, they are disconnected from the political process, and they are short of knowledge necessary for effectual self-government. This public opinion survey also shows that these young people support and appreciation of American democracy is restricted. The older generations have been doing so little to impart the standards of citizenship on to the next generation. But there is optimism. The account offers new proof that civic engagement makes a huge difference in the attitudes towards citizenship, understanding engagement of young people. The report is pegged on a countrywide opinion analysis devised to estimate how the civic attitudes, understanding and engagement o f young people: The DotNet generation between 16 and 26 years of age compare to those of older generations. The survey was carried out by Knowledge Networks: an investigative organization that implements scientifically bases Internet Polls (Zukin et al 20-34). A lot has been talked about generational differences in voting models during the 2008 election. An analysis of generation differences sheds some light into how social meanings of civic engagement and social liability have transformed in due course. In effect, a lot has made of what earlier generations have done in terms of service to American culture. Many issues about how to expand political engagement have also been raised in the academic dominion. University/college student political engagement could be increased by actively engaging the=m in service learning experiences. Though service learning is a didactic and learning program that incorporates meaningful community service with pedagogical instruction and reflection, the re has not been concerted endeavor to enhance service learning courses that decisively prepare young people for enthusiastically engaging in the political system. Generation is a practical concept as it facilitates researchers to assess political actions in terms of how different age groups, formed at unusual times and by special experiences, respond to political occurrences. Particularly, (Zukin et al 35-46) are interested in the degree to which dissimilar generations, have undergone different political and cultural happenings in their seminal and

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Written Assigment II Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Written Assigment II - Essay Example The one that enjoys a higher comparative advantage, for instance computers, should form the primary export while textile, whose production has a lower comparative advantage, should be imported from China (Frederking 3). In this paper, I hold a contrary view to Patrick Buchanan by supporting Ricardo’s theory. Countries chose to engage in international trade with a view of making profits. It would be totally illogical to engage in a business activity where there is no overall profit. As such, the driving force of international trade is the hope of maximizing profits accrued in the production of a given product. In this view, nations engaged in international trade strive to strike a balance by increasing the unit value they gain by exporting a given product. While this takes place, the same country would strive to reduce its engagements in products that do not earn as much profit as the others by the virtue of their production costs. Therefore, in an international trade, a country which exports gains more than that which imports. This is because exporting countries enjoy a favorable balance of payment than those which import (Ritchie 19). The utility derived from utilizing factors of production differs in the production process of different products. For instance, in the case of computers and textile products, it is evidently cleat that United States of America spends less per unit of factors of production when it concentrates on computers than when it concentrates on textile products. In this sense, U.S. is bound to increase its overall profit if it converts the factors of production used in the manufacture of textile products to the manufacture of computers. As such, textile industry becomes the opportunity cost of production of computers. Similarly, China is bound to increase its profitability if U.S. chooses to concentrate on importing its textile products. As such, free

Monday, September 23, 2019

Week 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Week 5 - Essay Example hat the racial composition of Baltimore neighborhood is dominated by the African American, followed by the Latino and the remaining portion occupied by few whites. Evident socio-economic disparity which places significant Black population at the low income end is reflected in spending pattern. It can also be noted that the number of supermarkets and food chain stores are relatively few (Leslie 14). This is another indicator of limited access to high quality food. It is worth to note that price and demand are inversely related and this is reflected in the food spending pattern in Baltimore. The few food chain stores can be seen as directly proportion to the few high income white races. The graph indicates that the bulk of the population is low income earners. The consequences are less incentive of quality food selling stores top set up branches in such places. This translates to access to cheaper food which has relatively lower nutritional value. In the case of Baltimore with a low in come majority, prices have to be down with grocery ranging $1.99 - $3. This means that when food prices are high, the income level of people determines choice of quality. Junk food remains accessible but has significantly higher fat content which poses health risks to the population. It is important to note that availability of accessible pack and other open public places are instrumental in determining the need to undertake physical exercise. However, there tend to be a relationship between existence of such social amenities and the income of the surrounding. Baltimore is a case of limited public places where people can exercise their physical bodies. The result is poor physical health prospects and potential exposure to obesity. The prevailing average income of the majority is a central factor in setting diet standards. In essence, low income means elasticity to food prices and hence access to low quality cheaper food (Leslie 23). The problem with this is high risk exposure in regard

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Wal-Mart SWOT Analysis Essay Example for Free

Wal-Mart SWOT Analysis Essay Wal-Mart has an abundance of strengths which is obvious due to its incredible success. Wal-Mart is the largest employer in the United States and the company is one of the few places left for people to get a decent job without a college education. Wal-Mart also has the second largest net sales in the world. This incredible number of sales is due significantly to Wal-Marts aggressive growth strategy. In 2003 alone they added 425 new stores all over the world. An increase in customer demand for SuperCenters encouraged the company to add 4,000 more. Overall they added 48 million square feet of retail space (Wal-Mart Company Profile 6). They can also attribute their large amount of sales to the fact that they have stores all over the world. Their truly global presence is apparent in their operation of around 1,350 Wal-Mart Discount Stores, 1,700 SuperCenters, 85 Neighborhood Markets and 550 Sams Clubs in the United States, with numbers continuing to grow†¦and about 1,300 locations in Canada, Mexico, the UK, Germany, Asia and South America (Wal-Mart Company Profile 5). One of Wal-Marts competitive advantages is their remarkable logistics system. They are able to ship merchandise from any of their numerous distribution centers in order to provide the cheapest and most efficient route. They even have their own distribution center for their online orders. The invention of sharing sales data with suppliers through computer programs has allowed Wal-Mart to consistently keep their shelves stocked with popular items. Technology in general is an unbelievable strength that Wal-Mart is able to invest in to improve their company. Having a website has allowed for increased sales all over the world. This not only provides convenience for customers, but with a logistics system like the one Wal-Mart has in place, online orders have become a breeze to fill. Even though Wal-Mart has been criticized for their low wages, they are actually doing a lot of good for lower income people. They can save a family about $1,000 a year with their low prices (Wal-Mart Storm 3). Wal-Mart can beat out many competitors with their aggressive pricing strategy. They have the ability to cut prices on some products, such as toys, by thirty percent in order to stimulate more sales. Wal-Mart has even been able to lure in higher-income customers when they open store in more urban areas. Since  Wal-Mart has become the nations largest food retailer, people from all income levels are shopping there for their necessity items. They have even been working on a more upscale appearance of their stores to attract these customers. The service that Wal-Mart offers to its customers is a great advantage as well. They have a strong image that it is a friendly and helpful place to shop where people are always willing to make your experience a good one. The added incentives are the constant price rollback, as well as the store-within-a-store. A great deal of Wal-Marts success can be attributed to the fact that the company was based on identifying, knowing, and understanding what exactly customers want from a retailer. A few final strengths are linked to the public criticisms that Wal-Mart has been facing. They are paying particular close attention to environmental issues and have vowed to increase use of renewable energy, reduce waste and carry environmentally sensitive products†¦Wal-Mart will soon be selling baby clothes made using organically grown cotton and has plans to improve its truck fleet efficiency by twenty-five percent in the next three years (Two Public Relations 3). Wal-Mart has also recently been pushing for a higher minimum wage, a step that is surprising to many other retailers in the industry. Weaknesses In the eyes of some of the general public, Wal-Mart has weaknesses that affect not only their image, but the lives of other people. Some view Wal-Mart as a retailing giant that has taken over the retail industry. Because of Wal-Marts low prices and well-known name, they have been able to capture the sales of an unbelievable number of consumers, and have therefore made it extremely difficult for small retailers to survive. Ethical shoppers, those who are concerned with the well-being of small retailers, are angry at the monopolizing power Wal-Mart has been able to gain in the past few decades. Most small shops have been forced to close due to lack of sales. Some people refuse to shop at Wal-Mart because of these issues. This poor image that Wal-Mart has in some peoples eyes has taken a toll on its stock price as well. Many environmentalists are concerned with the large scale buildings that are  not sensitive to the environment. These buildings also cause a problem of traffic pollution and congestion which can damage small communities. The employees of Wal-Mart can suffer a great deal as well. Many receive only poverty-level wages and horrible health care benefits. Problems with these healthcare benefits lead to employees applying for public aid, which in turn means that taxpayers are the ones paying for Wal-Mart employees healthcare costs (Wal-Mart Storm 2). Wal-Mart has been accused of discriminating against female employees and violating child labor laws. Because of these criticisms, employee morale has been decreased as well. Wal-Mart sometimes has a disadvantage in the location of their stores. Although Wal-Mart has grown and expanded a great deal into the international market, they still do not have a large part of the European market. They are only present in the UK and their competitors are gaining in the other surrounding countries. Wal-Mart also needs to consider the consequences of placing their stores too close together. Instead of increasing the volume of products per store, they open another one. Wal-Mart has already been facing a problem with a decrease in Saturday store sales. A lack of products, as well as a decrease in the quality of them, may be attributed to this loss of sales. They have also been said to have poor presentation and marketing of products on the floor. Price deflation is a serious dilemma that Wal-Mart and many discount stores are facing as well. They often buy too much of one product and then have to put it on sale or clearance in order to turnover the merchandise. Instead of increasing sales with low priced items, Wal-Mart is actually lowering their profits. Consumers will only buy so much of a particular product, even if it is priced low. Wal-Mart has a tendency to overstock and therefore reduce gross margins when they sell products for reduced prices. Also, after seeing disappointing numbers, Wal-Mart has repeatedly said that their company would have increased earnings in the following quarter. Unfortunately, they have not been able to keep this promise. Wal-Mart has a weakness in that they promise unrealistic earnings, and then do not meet their expectations. This causes their stock to constantly waiver. Even as  the economy is rising, Wal-Marts stock is not necessarily seeing an increase. Finally, Wal-Mart can have problems with their flexibility. Since Wal-Mart sells products across many sectors, such as clothing, food, or stationary, it may not have the flexibility of some of its more focused competitors (SWOT Analysis 1). These competitors have the ability to make changes and improve on a certain product lines when the needs of their customers change. Wal-Mart, however, may have too much merchandise and not be able to focus in on sectors that need to be improved. They also might not have the available information, resources and know-how to make any changes. Opportunities Since Wal-Mart is the largest retailer in the United States, it has a very good opportunity to become the largest retailer in the world. They do not always carry a diverse selection of products, so they could expand stores and merchandise to attract more customers. An area that could especially be increased is their musical products. Wal-Mart does not carry a large quantity or mixture of musical products such as instruments, and these can be high profit items. Their image could be improved if they focused on having certain products, such as CDs and DVDs available on their release dates. Along the same lines, Wal-Mart could diversify their store types. They have been successful with implementing Neighborhood Markets, and have even tried a mall store recently. By focusing on a specific target market in a specific area, Wal-Mart could be the number one retailer for everyone. They already have the available resources to try new store types in new segments. It is also a logical step to increase and expand their current SuperCenters, which are expected to increase sales dramatically in the future. The reason it is expected to drive growth so affectively is SuperCenters are considered extremely high growth stores, more productive than supermarkets and expecting to produce $500 in sales per square foot (Wal-Mart Company Profile 8). Wal-Mart has yet to penetrate to many East and West Coast food markets that occupy the top 50 (food retailing markets) (New Competitors 1). Another great opportunity is to improve on the areas which they have been criticized. Wal-Mart has already announced a new health care plan which would increase benefits to employees. They are very concerned with child labor laws, so they have said that they will pay especially close attention to their overseas suppliers and their labor practices. Also, Wal-Mart has the opportunity to work on improving the environment. They have such a large image that any programs they support have the ability to produce tremendous results. By working on solutions to these concerns they can help improve their image and increase their market share. Wal-Mart is such a major player in the retail industry that its decisions can have an effect on the global economy, the environment and society. They have the ability to slightly decrease the price of inflation because of their low prices. Also, due to their low prices, there is an increase in wages in developing countries. For the United States, wages may be low, but in other places where manufacturing goods is cheaper, wages can actually be considered high. By offering jobs and increasing the wealth in other countries, it is possible for a substantial middle class to exist there and also increase Wal-Mart sales by having stores in those areas (Wal-Mart Storm 4. Continued international expansion is a huge strategic opportunity for Wal-Mart. There is actually more opportunity for growth in developing countries and Asian markets than there is in the United States (Variety Stores 8). Creating alliances and licensing agreements are ways to move into these market segments. Other growth opportunities include the Internet and improved supply chain management through radio-frequency identification (RFID). Threats In order to keep prices low, Wal-Mart has had to cut costs in other areas. This includes squeezing suppliers to offering their products at much lower prices. This has driven competitors to do the same, which is causing profits to plunge downward drastically. A threat to Wal-Marts image is the fact that for the few years after they open up a new store, the wages of  that county fall by three to five percent. Another threat is the rapidly growing chain of Dollar General discount stores. These stores are able to open in smaller areas where there are not enough customers to support Wal-Mart. The deep discount that is offered at Dollar stores competes greatly with Wal-Mart. The economy has a slight effect on Wal-Marts customers. They have an advantage because the do offer cheap products that appeal to people in the time of a recession. However, most of Wal-Marts customers do not directly experience most of the governments attempts to stimulate the economy. Wal-Mart must work very hard to compete in times of uncertainty. Another threat that Wal-Mart faces is brand-name recognition. Although they carry and have increased their assortment of name brand products, most consumers searching for name brand products will not look at Wal-Mart to find them. Wal-Mart lacks a direct sales force to increase sales, whereas smaller retailers are focusing more and more on this aspect therefore increasing their competition. A major threat to Wal-Mart is the areas that they are expanding into may not be easily attainable. It will be difficult for them to gain a good part of the market share of hard-line products such as home improvements. These areas have greater competition and Wal-Mart does not have a clear cost advantage. International expansion may also create slow or rough short-term growth. The international market is predicted to have excellent long-term growth success, but these earnings may not be seen in the near future. Also, Wal-Mart has huge expansion plans that are very public. If these stores do not open on time, or are subject to delays and build issues, then analysts predictions will not be met and share price may suffer (Wal-Mart Company Profile 9). On the contrary, if Wal-Mart successfully meets all of its deadlines, investors may still be hesitant to invest in their company. In the past, when retailers meet their expectations, and the economy is doing well, they tend to under perform. Also, two of Wal-Marts main product lines, apparel and food, are very slow growth sectors, and Wal-Marts dominating position in the industry may make investors believe there is little room for the company to grow. Wal-Marts image has been seriously threatened by the numerous accusations of being bad for the country (Two Public Relations 1). The documentary movies that are being produced could seriously hurt the companys sales, especially since they are being premiered right as the holiday shopping season is starting. The shopping experience some customers have at their store is also a threat to Wal-Mart. Customers are often complaining about the long checkout lines and the insufficient quality of the products that are offered. Once this idea is spread throughout a community, it is difficult to change the publics opinion. Also, RFID could possibly be a threat to Wal-Mart by ruining relationships with suppliers. This system promises to do a great deal for supply-chain management. However, there is always the possibility that technology promises more than it can actually offer. Some manufacturers of low-cost consumer products may not see the advantages of implementing such a system and not want to comply with Wal-Marts mandate for the new system. Recommendations Wal-Mart has been extremely successful in the past, and has a very promising future ahead of them. Unfortunately, there is always a negative side to success. For Wal-Mart, they are faced with opposition from people who are concerned with the little guy. The fact that Wal-Mart has the ability and resources to be such a major competitor in the retail industry scares some people. Small stores in small communities, as well as employees, target Wal-Mart because they know it is a large company with the resources to defend itself. In order to improve its image in the eyes of these people, Wal-Mart may want to address these issues head on. Wal-Mart has already taken giant strides to be seen as a more environmentally friendly organization, as well as to increase the benefits of its employees. They should continue this approach, possibly even more publicly than other retailers in the industry. Wal-Mart could even start a campaign to help the little guy. Since they have such a global impact, any issue they raise will undeniably get a great deal of attention. In a campaign of this sort, Wal-Mart could focus on promoting the  other small specialty stores in their community. They could help advertise for local shops that do not sell competing products, but complimentary ones. Instead of taking sales away from themselves, Wal-Mart could change their image to one of a company that cares about the community. Along with this, Wal-Mart should focus on their employees. Publicly giving employee benefits or rewards will increase morale as well as their image. Once Wal-Mart has invested in their image in their home country, they should also focus on increasing their market share in the international markets that they are not already involved in. Some other countries hold the greatest growth potential and these areas should be seriously considered by Wal-Mart. References Cramer, James J. Wal-Mart, Fess Up to Weakness Within. Wake-Up,17 August 2005. 18 November 2005. Retrieved from . Kalra, Ritu. Wal-Mart Storm Swirling. The Hartford Courant. 2 November 2005. 3 November 2005. Retrieved from . Lindeman, Teresa F. Two Public Relations Campaigns pit Wal-Mart Against Critics. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. 1 November 2005. 3 November 2005. Retrieved from . McClenahen, John S. Wal-Marts Big Gamble. April 2005. 3 November 2005. Retrieved from New Competitors Move on Supers. MMR. 22(10) p.162. 10 June 2005. 3 November 2005. Retrieved from . SWOT Analysis Wal-Mart. Marketing Teacher. 18 November 2005. Retrieved from . The Story of Wal-Mart. The Cultural Marketplace The NUR Network. 3 November 2005. Retrieved from . Variety Stores. Encyclopedia of American Industries Online Edition. Gale, 2004. 3 November 2005. Retrieved from . Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Company Profile. April 2005. 3 November 2005. Retrieved from .

Friday, September 20, 2019

Principles of Construction Management

Principles of Construction Management Contents (Jump to) 1. Gulick’ 7 Functions 2. Fayol 3. Management Theories 4. Challenges Managing People in Construction 5. Conclusion 6. Bibliography Word Count 2070 1. Gulick’ 7 Functions In 1937, social scientists Luther Gulick and Lyndall Urwick (Papers on the Science of Administration) describe seven â€Å"major activities and duties of any higher authority or organisation†. Since then, the acronym POSDCORB has been used to describe the 7 functions of managers: This essentially refers to the various steps or stages involved in a typical administrative process. POSDCORB stands for: Planning: This essentially refers to establishing a broad outline of the work to be completed and the procedures required to implement them. Organising: Organising involves establishing a structure of authority, formally classifying, defining and synchronising the various sub-processes or subdivisions of the work to be done. Staffing: This involves recruiting and selecting the right candidates for the job and facilitating their orientation and training whilst maintaining quality in their work and their environment. Directing: This comprises of continual decision making and delegating structured instructions and orders to execute them. Coordinating: This basically refers to arranging and piecing together the various components of the work. Reporting: Reporting involves regularly updating knowledge about the progress or the work related activities. The information dissemination can be through records or inspection. Budgeting: Budgeting involves all the activities that fall under Auditing, Accounting, and Control. POSDCORB generally fits into the Classical Management movement, being classified as an element of scientific management. Gulick’s POSDCORB principles were instrumental in highlighting the theory of span of control, or limits on the number of people one manager could supervise, as well as unity of command to the fields of management and public administration. For Luther Gulick, the central problem of administration was determining how to achieve the coordination and control necessary to accomplish organisational objectives. His solution was to establish a strong chief executive to counter the divisive aspects of increasing specialisation and division of labour. 2. Fayol Gulick and Urwick built their ideas on the earlier 14 Principles of Management by Henri Fayol in his book General and Industrial Management (1918). Fayol defined theory as â€Å"a collection of principles, rules, methods, and procedures tried and checked by general experience† (Fayol 1918) Fayols 14 Principles Division of Work Authority and Responsibility Discipline Unity of Command Unity of Direction Subordination of Individual Interest to General Interest Remuneration of Personnel Centralisation Scalar Chain (line of authority with peer level communication) Order Equity Stability of Tenure of Personnel Initiative Esprit de Corps Fayol’s influence on Gulick is evident in the 5 elements of management discussed in his book. Fayol clearly believed personal effort and team dynamics were part of an â€Å"ideal† organisation. Planning – examining the future and drawing up plan which areas of action Organising – building up the structure (labour and material) of the undertaking Command- maintaining activity among the personnel Co-ordination – unifying and harmonising activities and efforts. Control – seeing everything that occurs conforms with policies and practices. Fayol’s five principle roles (Plan, Organise, Command, Co-ordinate, and Control) of management are still actively practiced today. The idea of giving authority with responsibility is also widely commented on and is well practiced, though his principles of â€Å"unity of command† and â€Å"unity of direction† are not adhered to in the structure of choice in many of today’s companies. 3.0 Management Theories There are several important management theories which basically classified are as follows: The Scientific Management School such as the works of Frederick W. Taylor and Lillian Gilbreth’s motion study, The Classical Organisational Theory School such as the works of Henri Fayol’s views on administration, and Max Weber’s idealised bureaucracy, The Behavioural School with the work of Elton Mayo and his associates. Management is the process of designing and maintaining an environment in which individuals, working together in groups, efficiently accomplish selected aims (Koontz and Weihrich 1990, p. 4). Theories provide an understanding of what we encounter. A theory provides criteria for what is relevant. Theories enable us to communicate effectively and develop more and more complex relationships with other people. Theories make it possible to keep learning about our professions with continuous development. Management Theories Since the late 1800’s management theories and scientific approaches have been produced by a number of people such as Henri Fayol, Fredrick Taylor, Elton Mayo, Henry Gantt and Frank and Lillian Gilbreth. These people introduced the classical and scientific approaches and over the years developed these principles through their working careers. These styles have changed, merged and stayed the same depending of the person implementing their ideas and the type of company they work for. The traditional classical approach started around the beginning of the 19th century and mainly focused on efficiency together with bureaucratic, scientific and administrative styles of management. The bureaucratic style of management tends to rely heavily on a structure of guidelines such as rules and procedures. While the scientific approach to management mainly focuses on â€Å"the best way to do a job† and the administrative style really emphasises the flow of information in the operation of the organisation. Later towards the end of the 20th century the empowerment style was developed and as a result helped give the employee a sense of responsibility. This was done by offloading some of managements work onto the shop floor and turn gave the employee a sense achievement and direction at work. Modern Theories of Management, Human Relations Douglas McGregor (1906-1964): Who is best known for his formulation of two sets of assumptions- Theory X and Theory Y. McGregor argued that managers should shift their traditional views of man and work (which he termed Theory X) to a new humane views of man and work (which he termed Theory Y). According to McGregor, A theory X attitudes man was lazy and work was bad were both pessimistic and counterproductive. Theory X assumes that people have little ambition, dislike work, want to avoid responsibility, and need to be closely supervised to work effectively. Theory Y, proposed that man wanted to work and work was good. Theory Y offers a positive view, assuming that people can exercise self-discipline, accept responsibility and consider work to be as natural as rest and play. McGregor believed that Theory Y encompassed the true nature of workers and should guide management practice.   Ã‚   Fig 1. Douglas McGregor Theory X and Y. Scientific management – This type of management was introduced by Frederick Taylor and focuses on the worker and machine relationship and as a result of this approach helps increase productivity by increasing the efficiency of the production processes and as a result of his research, Ford Motor Co. embraced this style of management. This type is also designed so that each member of staff has a specified, well controlled task that can be performed as instructed. Time and motion – Frank and Lillian Gilbreth developed this method by focusing on identifying the individual motions of a task. These motions were combined to form both the methods of each operation and the time it took to carry out each task. They believed it was possible to design and time the method of each task in advance, rather than relying upon observation of trial and error. Administrative Management – Henry Gantt developed the Gantt chart, which is used for scheduling overlapping tasks over a period of time. Gantt charts have since become a common technique for representing the phases and activities of a working project and break down the structure so they can be understood by all. Gantt’s management approach focused on motivational schemes and as such emphasised heavily on rewarding staff for good work as opposed to disciplining them over poor work. He also looked at the quality of management skills in building effective industrial organisations. Motivation – Abraham Maslow developed the human relations and behaviour theory in the 1950/60s by distinguishing between what motivates people to do certain activities. His theory suggested that people had to satisfy one level of need before moving onto the next and this in turn resulted in what ultimately motivates people / staff. This is shown in the pyramid illustration as shown below. Fig 2 . Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Empowerment – This style of management is a modern theory and was developed in the early 90’s and basically gives the employee a sense of power at work. This is carried out by the employee being authorised by their superior to carry out certain duties without the need to seek approval from above. This type gives the employee a sense of responsibility and achievement while helping to reduce the workload of their boss and in turn cuts down the amount of work the manager has to do as they have delegated certain responsibilities. 4. Challenges Managing People in Construction As highlighted in numerous government and academic reports (Latham, 1994; Egan, 1998, Fairclough, 2002), the construction industry is a sector of the economy which faces many challenges, especially in terms of performance. There are many challenges facing a construction manager. Many challenges are a result of construction operations, while others are a result of indirect activities. A number of challenges are not construction related issues but must be addressed and managed by the construction manager. These issues include workforce/labour considerations, safety, time, and the changing nature of construction work. The construction industry in general is a labour intensive industry and the role of construction manager is to manage people in a strategic and tactical way. One way of managing people would be a classical theory on human behaviour / relations such as Elton Mayo’s on motivation, as a group working dynamics will always have an impact on the projects performance. The term group working dynamics refers to the attitudes, energy and interaction of its group’s members and leaders. The groups working dynamics will always be dependent on the overall effectiveness and efficiency of the project depending on the coordinated efforts of staff working together as a team. Human resource is the most valuable asset in construction industry. Human resource practices are generally concerned with gaining value through increased skills, productivity, contribution, and cost consciousness and productivity are the important factors affecting the overall success of any construction project. Human resource management is the process of finding out what people want from their work, what an organization wants from its employees, and then matching these two sets of needs. Construction projects depend on the knowledge and skills of planning and executing the work. The quality of this most important resource: people, which is what differentiates one team or company from another. Having talented management on board to guide and direct a project is paramount. Having the right balance of skilled and unskilled workers to perform the work is a basic necessity. Finding and recruiting sufficient numbers of skilled, talented people is becoming increasing difficult. There are many reasons this is a problem. One of which is construction is generally viewed as being one of the least desirable industries in which to work. By nature construction is dangerous, dirty, hard work. Other industries out there offer preferred work environments that are cleaner, safer, and generally more desirable. Consequently, there is a severe shortage of talented people willing to work in construction. In order to maximise long term performance, it is important to provide the training necessary to enlighten your workforce. Leadership must be developed among the workforce to aid in effectively coordinating work activities by providing communication links between management and labour. This provides the opportunity for upward mobility and gives motivated people the chance to advance professionally. Empowerment leads to high levels of commitment, enthusiasm, self-motivation, productivity, and innovation. Benefits of this include feelings of appreciation, belonging, and heightened self-worth. Empowerment enables employees to make decisions for which they are accountable and responsible. Empowerment of workforce is one of the keys to improving construction performance. 5. Conclusion – The management theories that have been discussed, important as they are, have to be translated in practice by construction managers, For practicality, all construction managers must develop three sets of skills, namely; conceptual, technical, and human ( Fleet and Perterson 1994, p. 25). A good construction manager should also be able to see members of the organisation as human beings who have needs and psychological feelings and emotions. The development of management theory involves the development of concepts, principles, and techniques. There are many theories about management, and each one ad to our knowledge of what managers should do. Each one has its own characteristics and advantages as well as limitations. The operational, or management process combines each and systematically integrates them. The styles of management best suited to construction are a blend of all described above whilst trying to motivate staff using both the autocratic and democratic approaches because of the need to be one type of boss with one employee and another with somebody else. This is extremely prevalent when dealing with health and safety where and autocratic authoritative style is a prerequisite to the success of reducing the risk of accidents on site. Therefore a manager who makes definitive attempts to translate theory into practice is more likely to increase productivity than a manager who chooses to use the trial and error method of management. 6. Bibliography Egan, J (1998) Rethinking construction: report of the construction task force on the scope for improving the quality and efficiency of UK construction, DETR, London. Fairclough, J., (2002), Rethinking construction innovation and research: A review of government RD policies and practices, Department of Trade and Industry, London Fayol, H. (1949). General and Industrial Management. (C. Storrs, Trans.). London: Sir Isaac Pitman Sons, LTD. (Original work published 1918) Fryer, B. (2004) The Practice of Construction Management, 4th Ed, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Gulick, L. H. (1936). Notes on the Theory of Organization. L. Gulick L. Urwick (Eds.), Papers on the Science of Administration. Koontz Harold and Weihrich Heinz (1990) Essentials of Management, Fifth Edition, McGraw-Hill. Latham, M., (1994), Constructing the team, HMSO, London Oxley, R. And Poskitt, J. (2007) Management Techniques Applied to the Construction Industry, 5th Ed, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Winch, G.M. (2008). Managing Construction Projects, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Websites Figure 1 taken from Beta Codex Network (2008) The Way People Are [Online] available from [Accessed February 2014] Figure 2 taken from Maslows hierarchy of needs [Online] available from [ [Accessed February 2014] S150-943

Thursday, September 19, 2019

leadership Essay -- essays research papers

Performance appraisals are conducted yearly for each staff employee. Semiannual or quarterly reviews are recommended to foster better communication between supervisors and employees in assessing progress, jointly developing new plans and objectives, and clarifying expectations for the coming year. This process is designed to improve job understanding, promote more effective job performance, and establish future goals for career growth. Some goals of the performance appraisals are to provide staff members with feedback on their performance and accomplishments for the previous year. This program should also assist staff members in understanding their job responsibilities and supervisor's performance expectations. Performance goals for the upcoming year and specific plans to help staff members meet those goals should also be established through this process. During each annual appraisal conference the employee and supervisor review the employee's performance during the previous year measured against standards set at the start of the year. Both successes and failures are reviewed. It is constructive to take the time to understand why certain objectives were successfully achieved and what prevented the successful achievement of other objectives. This review helps to set and achieve new objectives in the year ahead. A key part of the appraisal process is a self-review by the employee, which will allow the employee to review his or her own performance. This can enhance two-way comm... leadership Essay -- essays research papers Performance appraisals are conducted yearly for each staff employee. Semiannual or quarterly reviews are recommended to foster better communication between supervisors and employees in assessing progress, jointly developing new plans and objectives, and clarifying expectations for the coming year. This process is designed to improve job understanding, promote more effective job performance, and establish future goals for career growth. Some goals of the performance appraisals are to provide staff members with feedback on their performance and accomplishments for the previous year. This program should also assist staff members in understanding their job responsibilities and supervisor's performance expectations. Performance goals for the upcoming year and specific plans to help staff members meet those goals should also be established through this process. During each annual appraisal conference the employee and supervisor review the employee's performance during the previous year measured against standards set at the start of the year. Both successes and failures are reviewed. It is constructive to take the time to understand why certain objectives were successfully achieved and what prevented the successful achievement of other objectives. This review helps to set and achieve new objectives in the year ahead. A key part of the appraisal process is a self-review by the employee, which will allow the employee to review his or her own performance. This can enhance two-way comm...

Monaural Hearing and Sound Localization :: Biology Biological Hearing Essays

Monaural Hearing and Sound Localization Human hearing and the ability to perceive the location of a sound source has long been accepted as a process requiring the use of two ears (Kistler, 1997; Butler & Humanski, 1992; Carlile, 1990). This process is referred to as binaural hearing. The subjective experience of binaural hearing during the location of a sound source was thought at first to be the result of an interactive process of evaluating two auditory cues (Kistler, 1997; Butler & Humanski, 1992; Carlile, 1990; Middlebrooks & Green, 1991). A man by the name of Lord Raleigh developed a "duplex theory" (Strutt, cited by Carlile, 1990) which stated that sound localization arises out of the fact that the ears are separated by both space and an acoustically opaque mass (the head) that creates two distinctive properties to incoming sounds. First, a sound originating outside the medial vertical plane will reach one ear before it reaches the other creating a time-of-arrival difference that can be detected and used in localizat ion. This process is referred to by Fuzessery, Wenstrup, and Pollak (1990) as an interaural time difference (ITD). Second, the mass of the head causes the incoming sound to lose intensity as it passes from one side of the head to the ear on the opposite side. Fuzessery, Wenstrup, and Pollak (1990) call this process an interaural intensity difference (IID), because the head acts as a muffler. The duplex theory survived until neuroanatomists and neurophysiologists began to search for the biological mechanisms of which the theory attempted to predict (Butler & Humanski, 1992). The duplex theory did prove to be, at least in part, accurate. In 1936 Stevens and Newman (cited by Butler & Humanski, 1992) proved empirically the existence of IIDs and ITDs in locating a sound source. However, they neglected to consider the possibility of other auditory cues that may provide additional localization information. The duplex theory assumed there were no other ways in which the perceptual location of a sound source could be obtained. It was not until much later that the role of the external structures of the ear, namely the pinnae, were considered. According to Butler and Humanski (1992), the role of the pinnae in localizing sound was only taken seriously when scientists began to study sound localization in situations where binaural differences were nonexistent. Some experiments were eventually performed using sound sources which lay directly on the medial vertical plane (referred to as elevation) and did not stray to either horizontal side (Butler & Humanski, 1992; Carlile, 1990; Wightman & Kistler, 1997).

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Greek Politics Essay -- Political Democracy Governmental Essays

Greek Politics At the foundation of the widely differing systems devised by democratic peoples, there is one essential conviction, expressed in the word democracy itself: that power should be in the hands of the people. Although democracy today has been slightly inefficient in this idea, with the wealthy, elite class challenging this right, â€Å"it nevertheless claims for itself a fundamental validity that no other kind of society shares†¦.† To completely understand the structure of democracy, one must return to the roots of the practice itself, and examine the origins in ancient Greece, the expansion in the Roman Empire, and how these practices combined make what we recognize as today’s democratic government. Democracy began with the Greeks in the various city-states. Political thought also began in Greece. The â€Å"calm and clear rationalism of the Greek mind† started this way of thinking. Rather than focusing on the religious sphere, the Greeks chose to concentrate on the self and all things visible. They attempted to enter the world of the light of reason. â€Å"Democratic ideology and democratic political thought – the one implicitly, the other explicitly – sought to reconcile freedom and the pursuit of one’s own good with public order.† A sense of the value of the individual was thus one of the primary conditions of the development of political thought in Greece. Political life expressed a shared, ordered self- understanding, not a mere struggle for power. This ideal led to the birth of a new government, a self-governing community – the Greek city-state. A city-state is â€Å"an aggregation of free human beings, bound together by common ties, some of which may be called natural ties, some artificial.† Natural ties are those such as race, language, religion, and land – the territory occupied by the city-state. Artificial ties include law, customs, government, commerce, and self-defense. A governing body does not need all of these ties to become a city-state; however, all must have a reasonable amount of artificial ties. Every community must possess some form of law, otherwise the people are bound together only by natural ties, and thus, they are not a governing body. The Greek polis enabled the people to express their individualism. The polis was â€Å"ideological and it was reflective† in allowing a person to be a part of the political society a... ...w York: Worth Publishers, Inc., 1999). 1. Light. 2. Light. 14. Light. 27. Light. 2. Bibliography Adcock, F.E. Roman Political Ideas and Practice. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 1966 Agard, Walter R. What Democracy Meant to the Greeks. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1942. Barker, Sir Ernest. Greek Political Theory: Plato and His Predecessors. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1960. Easton, David. The Political System: an Inquiry into the State of Political Science. New York: Alfred A. Knopf Inc., 1971. Farrer, Cynthia. The Origins of Democratic Thinking: the Invention of Politics in Classical Athens. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988. Fowler, W. Warde. The City State of the Greeks and Romans. London: MacMillian & Co. Ltd., 1963. Hollister, C. Warren. Roots of the Western Tradition: A Short History of the Ancient World. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1996. Light, Paul C. A Delicate Balance. New York: Worth Publishers, Inc., 1999. Rhodes, Henry A. â€Å"The Athenian Court and the American Court System.† Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2000.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Textron Inc and Cessna 172

Textron Inc is a very critical company in the aeronautical industry, with operations in aircraft industry and finance all over the globe. The company runs its operations in four segments namely Cessna, Bell, Finance and Industrial. The Bell segment has the responsibility of manufacturing and supplying helicopters, tilt-rotor aircrafts and the other helicopter accessories like spare parts plus it offers services for commercial purposes and military applications.Bell segment also manufactures other products like precision weapons for use in both airborne and ground based surveillance systems, missile control, intelligence software, armored vehicles and turrets, and other machinery used in defense systems, aerospace and aviation industry. Cessna segment is charged with the responsibility of manufacturing the common aviation aircrafts like the single engine turboprops, business jets, and single engine piston aircraft plus offering the after sell services.The industrial segment is concern ed with making designs and manufacturing the blow molded systems and others blow molded accessories mainly for the automobile operations and manufacturing. It supplies camshafts for automobile industry and metal fuel fillers; it also supplies plastic containers for use in the industrial sector, laboratories and for domestic use. Blow molded fuel apparatus are for the land vehicles and watercraft use.Other products include hydraulics, industrial pumps, polymer machinery, and instruments for use in electrical industry, combustion engines and other related equipment. The financial segment finances the aircraft industry, offers asset based loans, distributes finance; finances golf, resort and structure capital. Textron supplies its products via distributors and sales representatives. Strategic Management Textron Inc was established in 1923 with the first operations in providence in Rhode Island.Strategic management in any business or other organizations describes the art of planning the operations and other performances at the highest possible level. This is the responsibilities of the company’s management and should focus on establishing a foundation and organization structure that will be executed by the collective effort of every individual employee of the company (Pearse & Robinson 2000). Textron Inc has a unique management strategy that covers the core aspects of management i. e.Business objectives, means of achieving the objectives and the resources required to make it happen. The company’s mission statement â€Å"to be the world leading provider of professional tool group by manufacturing high quality innovative products as required by client-driven blueprint and integrated supply chain superiority† explains its objective apart from making profits (Pearse & Robinson 2000). Corporate Management The management of the Textron Inc is very effective and committed to implementing their policies so as to meet the company as well as individual objectives.Currently, the organization is managed by a chairman who is also the president and the (CEO) chief executive officer. The president heads the management committee, international advisory council and the transformational management team. Currently Lewis B Campbell is the President of Textron inc. the strategic management plan is executed by allocation of several roles and taking responsibilities as well as working as a team.The president has revolutionized the performance of Textron Inc by reshaping its product portfolio, changing the operational goals and has managed to bring together the venture-wise synergies and thus achieving larger operation effectiveness (Fayerweather 2007). Textron Inc has a senior several vice presidents who take care of different roles as it will be shown in the text. The first vice president is the senior vice president for Textron Inc international and marketing operation.He is charged with the responsibility of research and execution internati onal devolvement opportunities for the company plus carrying out functional leadership sales and marketing on the international market. He is also a member of the transformational leadership team (Fayerweather 2007). The executive vice president and principal innovation officer is responsible for implementing and supervising the global technology center based in India; overseeing the engineering processes, information technology systems, Textron six sigma and establishing and executing proper distribution/integrated supply chains.Executive vice president is also a member of the Textron’s transformational leadership team as well as the management committee, which is a clear indication of teamwork and collective responsibility (Pearse & Robinson 2000). Corporate management in itself is a profession and needs someone to oversee the operations so that the management does not override their roles and the vice president business ethics and corporate secretary is responsible for all these (Pearse & Robinson 2000). He takes care of all the corporate secretarial roles and supervises compliance.The Executive vice president administration and prime human resources official is one of the vice presidents working for Textron inc and is responsible for supervising the international human resource operations, corporate real estate, offer administrative services and manages the company’s aviation department and community affairs. The executive vice president administration and human resources is a member of the management committee and transformational management team (Pearse & Robinson 2000).The vice president and chief information officer; this is one of the top management posts that are critical to Textron Inc and covers even the Textron’s information services. It is the responsibility of the vice president to guide the daily operations of the Textron information services (TIS); carrying out management duties of TIS as the executive, supervising the bus iness units plus working together with chief information officers (CIO’s); he is responsible for outsourcing relationships, supervising Textron’s information Management council as well as carry out the management role over Textron information technology (Fayerweather 2007).The financial segment of Textron is managed by its own president who is also the chief operating officer of Textron financial corporation (TFC). TFC is diversification strategy into the commercial sector and it’s a financial company with main operations in aircraft finance, resort finance, golf finance and other field described earlier under finance segment of Textron Inc (Fayerweather 2007). The president carries out the managerial roles supervising all the operations of TFC and serves as a member of Textron transformational leadership team.The vice president of mergers and acquisitions is in charge of supervising developmental activities and manage the venture expansion projects that include acquisitions, mergers and strategic partnerships and serves on Textron’s enterprise – wide Finance Council (Fayerweather 2007). The executive vice president and chief operation officer is in charge of supervising the manufacturing process in business units including the functioning of the corporation’s information technology, global sourcing duties and the six sigma.He also chairs the company’s Operating Committee and also a member of Management Committee and Transformational management Team. The vice president strategy and business development for Textron Inc has an obligation to work in collaboration with the senior management across the venture to create and implement business units plus coming up with corporate strategies for development, expansion, profitability and increasing return on investment (Pearse & Robinson 2000). The vice president here is also the corporate officer and a member of transformational leadership team.The vice president and de puty general counsel of Textron takes responsibility of corporate legal staff with key obligations of supervising all legal matters except court cases including mergers and acquisitions, compliance, anti-trust, corporate finance, government contracts and intellectual property (Textron 2009). The vice president Textron audit services reports to the audit committee of board of directors about all the internal audits in which he supervises their activities and also risk management process. The industrial segment is managed by a president and is divide in to four; E-Z-GO, Greenlee, Jacobsen and Kautex.All these divisions are run by presidents who are members of transformational leadership team. The Textron’s executive vice president supervises the strategic development, corporate functions; oversees international relationship and investor relations. Actually the management team of Textron is large with every segment having a president and several vice presidents; the following is a brief look at the remaining executive team members; vice president Textron six sigma is responsible for implementation of the project six sigma including Cessna Aircraft, E-Z-GO, and Bell helicopters (Fayerweather 2007).The vice president and treasure supervises the financial activities of the company, the international treasury dealings, and other related responsibilities. The Bell helicopters are managed by a president who is the chief executive officer and works closely with the executive vice president. This VP also takes the role of a general counsel. The vice president takes care of ethical and compliance issues as well as the safety and environmental operations. Cessna Aircraft Company is managed by a president who is the CEO (Fayerweather 2007). The vice president has the obligation to supervise global tax function.Kautex has a president who is also the CEO and a member of the transformational leadership team. Textron Systems Corporation is managed by the executive vice p resident and has eight business units, vice president investors relations who is also the company’s corporate officer is responsible for issuing the strategies and delivering financial presentation to investment and business community around the globe(Textron 2009). Jacobsen is managed by independent president who is also the CEO, he also responsible for the all operations in the golf, sports and ground care and equipment manufacture.The senior vice president and corporate controller report to the executive vice president (the chief financial official), and take the responsibility of supervising internal and external financial and accounting reports, plans and analyses. He is also responsible for spearheading transformations in financial activities (Textron 2009). The company has a board of directors committed to providing the strategic management supervision and international investment point of view while at the same time maintaining rigorous management principles on behalf on the investors.The Strategy The management of Textron is committed to fulfilling the objective of the company and to achieve its mission. The most crucial strategy is the enterprise management; this includes construction, organizing and leveraging world class performance abilities through a model based on customers’ design and requirements and processes (Textron 2009). The company is expanding by mergers and acquisitions, the major one being the acquisition of Cessna aircrafts. Product portfolio and portfolio management is another aspect critical to future successes.It includes identification, selection and acquisition of the correct mix for the businesses so as to attain the maximal performance through the ability of the management team (Textron 2009). In order to attain these, Textron aims to make clients successful, attract and develop talent plus implementing world class operations in production and through innovations. The major feature already in place include implem enting the correct supply chain technique, development of new technology like six sigma project and offering shared services. ConclusionTextron Inc is an international business merger that operates in four segments and manages other auxiliary business units that include Cessna aircraft, golf equipments, and Bell helicopters. Being a large conglomerate, Textron has seen the expansion of Cessna with innovations making it the largest aviation company on the planet. The major factor contributing to these successes is the creation of world class competencies. Textron is a multi-industry venture with very talented management that has maintained the correct mix of ventures.The company is currently improving its capability to acquire and incorporate other ventures to enhance competencies and improve shareholder value. References Fayerweather J. (2007). Management of International Operations. Text and Cases. McGraw – Hill. New York Pearse J. A & Robinson R. B (2000). Strategic Managem ent. Formulation, Implementation and Control. Irwin/McGraw – Hill. New York Textron Inc (2009) About Textron. NYSE (TXT) retrieved on 17th January 2009 from http://www. textron. com/about/company/vision_and_strategy/index.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Computer Storage Devices Essay

Computer Storage Devices Storage devices are used in order to store various items such as programs, data and instructions. Storage was used as early as 1804 by hole punching paper cards in order to control machinery. Without storage, the computer programs and files that exist now would not be possible. There are many different devices used for storage today such as hard drives, floppy drives and CD-Rom drives. Hard drives come in all computers and are the main storage device. An average hard drive usually stores from four to fifty gigabytes, but there are hard drives with much greater capacities available. A hard drive works by using multiple platters which are made of glass, aluminum or ceramic which has been coated with a magnetic material. The data is recorded by arranging the magnetic particles in order to form bytes on the disk. Floppy drives are another type of storage unit in which the information is stored on a separate removable disk. There are two different types of floppy drives: a 3.5 inch and a 5.25 inch. The number refers to the size of the disk that is used in that particular drive. A 3.5 inch floppy drive can store 1.44 megabytes and a 5.25 floppy can store 1.2 megabytes. Imation has developed a superdisk drive which has a capacity of 120 or 200 megabytes which is backwards compatible with the 3.5 inch floppy. The third type of storage that I am going to talk about is a CD-Rom (Compact Disk) drive which also uses a removable disk in order to store data. A CD-Rom works by using a laser lens in order to burn pits into the surface of the CD. The surface of the disk, called land, reflects light back to the lens which is read as 1. The pits in the CD absorb the light and reads to be 0. A CD can store up to 700 megabytes of data. In addition to a CD-Rom, there is also a DVD (digital video disk) Rom which can store up to seventeen gigabytes of information. A DVD is different from a CD because the disk is denser due to the fact that the pits are packed closer to each other. Also, A DVD uses two layers of pits and can be double sided. Another method of storage is the Zip drive which uses a 3.5 inch zip disk and was created by Iomega. The disk can hold the equivalent of seventy floppy disks or 250 megabytes. The Jazz drive, which was also made by Iomega, can store up to two gigabytes. The drive with the largest capacity is the Tape drive which can store several terabytes. The only problem with this drive is that the information is only read/wrote in one direction which means that it takes an extensive period of time to retrieve data. Due to this inconvenience, this drive is primarily used for back up purposes. This paper describes the many different storage units that exist today due to the new advances in technology. There are even more drives that are available which were not listed because they are not as widely used today such as the Orb drive. A few decades ago people would only dream for a device that was capable of storing terabytes of information, but now that dream has become a reality. With the amount of new discoveries that are made every day, the future may possibly bring a device capable of storing exabytes of information.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Mole Ratio of Chemical Reactions Essay

OBJECTIVE In this experiment, you will determine the number of moles of reactants and products present in the reaction of copper and silver nitrate, and calculate their mole-to-mole ratio. The mole-to-mole ratio relating to the disappearance of copper and the formation of silver metal will be used to write the balanced equation for the reaction. The reaction of copper metal with silver nitrate solution is a single replacement reaction, represented by the following unbalanced equation: Cu(s) + AgNO3(aq) → Cu(NO3)2(aq) + Ag(s) The values of the coefficients can be determined experimentally by measuring the mass of copper wire that reacts with the mass of silver that is produced in the above reaction. BACKGROUND MATERIALS NEEDED The reaction of copper and silver nitrate in aqueous solution provides an interesting display of chemistry in action – delicate silver crystals begin to grow on the wire surface and the colour of copper(II) ions gradually appears in the solution. Stoichiometry is the area of chemistry that deals with the numerical relationships and mathematical proportions of reactants and products in a chemical reaction. One of the most important lessons of stoichiometry is that the amounts of reactants and products in a chemical reaction are related to one another on a mole basis. Chemical reactions are normally represented by balanced chemical equations. The coefficients in a balanced chemical equation summarize the relative number of moles of each reactant and product involved in a chemical reaction. The ratios of these coefficients represent the mole-to-mole (or simply mole) ratios that govern the disappearance of reactants and the appearance of products. Knowing the mole ratios in a bala nced chemical equation is essential to solving stoichiometry problems. General Chemistry 1 Lab Acetone Copper wire 3 M HNO3 AgNO3, silver nitrate 50 mL beaker 100 or 150 mL beaker Toothpick Stirring rod Wash bottle 50 mL measuring cylinder SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Nitric acid is a corrosive liquid and strong oxidizer. Silver nitrate is a corrosive solid and is toxic by ingestion; it will stain skin and clothes. Acetone is a flammable liquid – avoid contact with flames and other sources of ignition. Avoid contact of all chemicals with eyes, skin, and clothing. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water before leaving the laboratory area. Page | 1 PROCEDURE 1. Obtain a clean, dry 50 mL beaker. Carefully add 1.40 – 1.60 g of silver nitrate crystals to the beaker. Caution: use a spatula to transfer the solid. Do not touch the silver nitrate and carefully clean up any spilled material on the balance or the bench top. 2. Measure and record the exact mass of silver nitrate to the nearest 0.01 g. 3. Fill the beaker with 30 mL of distilled water and stir the mixture with a s tirring rod until all the solid has dissolved. Rinse the stirring rod over the beaker with a little distilled water. 4. Take a piece of copper wire and loosely coil it. 5. Find the initial mass of the copper wire to the nearest 0.01 g and record it. 6. Use a toothpick to suspend the copper wire in the silver nitrate solution. The copper wire should not be touching the bottom or sides of the beaker. 7. Carefully add 3 drops of 3 M HNO3 to the beaker. Do NOT stir the solution. 8. Allow the beaker to sit on the lab bench for 15 minutes. Try not to jostle or shake the suspended copper wire in any way. 9. Observe the signs of chemical reaction occurring in the beaker and record all observations. 10. While the reaction is taking place, label a 100 or 150 mL beaker with your name and class session. Measure and record the mass of this beaker. 11. After 15 minutes, gently lift the toothpick to remove the copper wire from the solution. 12. Holding the wire with the wooden toothpick, place the copper wire above the 100 or 150 mL beaker. Rinse the wire with a steady stream of distilled water from a wash bottle. The silver crystals should easily fall off the wire into the beaker. Gently shake the wire and rinse with General Chemistry 1 Lab water until no more silver adheres to the wire. Note: Use a total of about 40 mL of distilled water. 13. When all of the silver has been removed, lift the copper wire out of the beaker and place it in anot her beaker containing acetone. The acetone will clean the wire surface and allow it to dry more quickly. Note: Several groups can share this same rinse beaker of acetone. 14. Remove the copper wire from the acetone beaker and allow it to air dry for 3-4 minutes. 15. Measure and record the final mass of the copper wire. Note the appearance of the leftover wire and record your observations. 16. Examine the beaker containing the silver product. Most of the silver should have settled into a dense mass at the bottom of the beaker. Carefully decant the liquid into a waste flask to remove most of the water. Note: Try not to lose any of the solid in the process. 17. Rinse the solid with 5-10 mL of distilled water from a wash bottle. Decant the rinse water into the waste water flask as well. 18. Repeat the rinsing and decanting cycle with a second portion of distilled water. 19. Discard the waste water in the large beaker in the fume hood. 20. When all of the water has been decanted, place the labelled beaker containing th e silver product on the warming tray in the fume hood. 21. Allow the solid to dry overnight. 22. When the solid is dry, measure and record the final mass of the beaker plus silver solid. Page | 2 PRE-LAB QUESTIONS 1. Define: a. Law of Conservation of Matter b. Molar mass c. Mole d. Stoichiometry e. Limiting reagent 2. Solve: a. Using the balanced equation for the reaction of aluminum with iodine, answer the following questions: 2 Al (s) + 3 I2 (s) → Al2I6 (s) i. How many moles of Al2I6 are produced by the reaction of 4.0 mol of aluminum? ii. How many moles of I2 are required to react exactly with 0.429 mol of aluminium? b. What mass of sodium hydroxide, NaOH, would be required to produce 16 g of the antacid milk of magnesia [magnesium hydroxide, Mg(OH)2] by the reaction of magnesium chloride, MgCl2, with NaOH? MgCl2 (aq) + 2 NaOH (aq) → Mg(OH)2 (s) + 2 NaCl (aq) i. Which reactant is limiting? ii. How much water will the reaction produce? POST-LAB QUESTIONS 1. Calculate the mass and moles of copper wire that reacted in this experiment. Show your calculations. 2. Calculate the mass and moles of the silver produced in this experiment. Show your calculations. 3. Determine the mole ratio – the ratio of the number of moles of silver to the number of moles of copper. Round the result to the nearest whole number. Show your calculations. 4. Use the silver/copper mole ratio to write a balanced chemical equation for this reaction of copper and silver nitrate. 5. What was the limiting reagent in this experiment? Show all calculations and explain your answer. 6. Given what you know about copper, silver nitrate and this kind of single replacement reaction, what would you have predicted the balanced chemical equation to be? 7. Explain the possible differences between Question 4 and Question 6. 8. Do the results of your experiment support the Law of Conservation of Matter? Explain. c. Calculate the mass of oxygen gas, O2, required for the combustion of 702 g of octane, C8H18. 2 C8H18 + 25 O2 (g) → 16 CO2 (g) + 18 H2 O (l) d. A mixture of 5.0 g of H2 (g) and 10.0 g of O2 (g) is ignited. Water forms according to the following addition reaction: 2H2 (g) + O2 (g) → 2 H2O (g) General Chemistry 1 Lab