Saturday, August 31, 2019

Private School vs Public School Essay

Many public school facilities are impressive others are mediocre. The same is true of private schools. In the public school system, the twin engines of political support and economic revenue base are critical. In private schools the ability to attract endowments and other forms of financial support are just as critical. Private school facilities reflect the success of the school’s development team and that of the school to continue to generate alumni support. Some private K-12 schools have facilities and amenities which surpass those found at many colleges and universities. Hotchkiss and Andover, for example, have libraries and athletic facilities on a par with those at Brown and Cornell. They also offer academic and sports programs which make full use of all those resources. It is hard to find comparable facilities in the public sector. They are few and far between. Public schools also reflect the economic realities of their location. Wealthy suburban schools will have more amenities than inner city schools as a rule. Think Greenwich, Connecticut versus Detroit, Michigan, for example. So, who has the edge? Let’s call it a draw, all things considered. Class Size: According to the NCES report Private Schools: A Brief Portrait private schools win out on this issue. Why? Most private schools have small class sizes. One of the key points of private education is individual attention. You need student to teacher ratios of 15:1 or better to achieve that goal of individual attention. On the other hand a public system has to take almost anyone who lives within its boundaries. In public schools you will generally find much larger class sizes, sometimes exceeding 35-40 students in some inner city schools. At that point teaching rapidly degenerates into babysitting. Teaching: Public sector teachers are generally better paid. Naturally compensation varies widely depending on the local economic situation. Put another way, it’s cheaper living in Duluth, Minnesota than it is in San Francisco. Unfortunately low starting salaries and small annual salary increases result in low teacher retention in many public school districts. Public sector benefits have historically been excellent; however, health and pension costs have risen so dramatically since 2000 that public educators will be forced to pay or pay more for their benefits. Private school compensation tends to be somewhat lower than public. Again, much depends on the school and its financial resources. One private school benefit found especially in boarding schools is housing and meals. Private school pension schemes vary widely. Many schools use major pension providers such as TIAA-CREF Both public and private schools require their teachers to be credentialed. This usually means a degree and a teaching certificate. Private schools tend to hire teachers with advanced degrees in their subject over teachers who have an education degree. Put another way, a private school hiring a Spanish teacher will want that teacher to have a degree in Spanish language and literature as opposed to an education degree with a minor in Spanish. Budgets: Since local property taxes support the bulk of public education, the annual school budget exercise is a serious fiscal and political business. In poor communities or communities which have many voters living on fixed incomes, there is precious little room to respond to budget requests within the framework of projected tax revenue. Grants from foundations and the business community are essential to creative funding. Private schools on the other hand can raise tuition, and they also can raise significant amounts of money from a variety of development activities, including annual appeals, cultivation of alumni and alumnae, and solicitation of grants from foundations and corporations. The strong allegiance to private schools by their alumni makes the chances of fund-raising success a real possibility in most cases. Administrative Support: The bigger the bureaucracy, the harder it is to get decisions made at all, much less get them made quickly. The public education system is notorious for having antiquated work rules and bloated bureaucracies. This is as a result of union contracts and host of political considerations. Private schools on the other hand generally have a lean management structure. Every dollar spent has to come from operating income and endowment income. Those resources are finite. The other difference is that private schools rarely have teacher unions to deal with. Advantages and disadvantages: There are many advantages and disadvantages to both public and private schools. As a parent, both options must be explored and the choice must be based on what is right for each particular child. Public schools often have a larger variety of subjects available, especially when it comes to electives. However, what is learned is somewhat decided by the state because public schools need to do well on standardized testing. Private schools, on the other hand, whether parochial or private have much more freedom of choice in curriculum and can choose to make their own assessments. Because of the individualized instruction, private schools tend to do generally better on standardized testing, that is, if they choose to use it. Private schools, many times, have more demanding curricula and have a higher rate of students who go on to attend college. Public schools are larger and also have larger class sizes. Public schools also have larger student-teacher ratios. According to a web site called Public School Review, â€Å"Private schools average 13 students per teacher, compared with an average of 16 students per teacher in public schools† (public school review). However, public schools have certified teachers. Private schools typically have teachers who are not state-certified and who may not have expertise in their subject matter. The biggest difference between public and private schools probably is that public schools are required to educate all students. They cannot deny any student admission. On the other hand, private schools have complete control about which they accept and can kick students out much more easily. Public schools are funded by tax revenue whereas private schools are funded privately. That means private schools cost money to attend called tuition. Taxpayers pay for public schools so the payment is included in what people pay. However in private schools, the payment is upfront for students to attend. Overall, there is no one right answer for which kind of school a student attends-public or private. The decision must be made for each individual student as there are advantages and disadvantages of both. Comparisons: Private school can be more beneficial than going to a public school. Private schools focus on preparing students for the next level of education; public schools are focused on test preparations sessions. Choosing the right school system for your child has a repercussion towards their future education. In the public school system the classrooms are overcrowded with students. Each class has an average of 27 to 30 students to it, which can limit the ability of one on one interaction with the teacher. A lot of the bullying issues come from the unstructured dress codes. This can create social divide to the less fortunate kids that can’t afford all the name brand items. In public school teachers are quick to say your child needs to be on medication if they are high strung, without knowing what other forms of issues might be occurring in the home. When parents try to discipline their child at home the school seems to always try to step in. Some things should be up to the parents to handle without haven to worry about the school stepping in. In the private school system when a child enters the school for the first time he or she will start out with a minimal class size with no more than 20 students. This allows more one on one time with the teacher, it also opens up more time for activities. The private school has a very strictly enforced dress code to eliminate animosity between the students. The schools are very family oriented with parents and students being involved with school activities. Teachers and parents are held to higher standards from the private schools. Teachers are expected to continue to grow and parents are obligated to maintain discipline of their children even in their absence. The testing that takes place at private schools is called Terra Nova, and kids are tested two or three times a year. Conclusion So, who comes out on top? Public schools or private schools As you can see, there are no clear-cut answers or conclusions. Public schools have their advantages and disadvantages. Private schools offer an alternative. Which works best for you? That’s the real question which you have to answer.

Are Science and Religion in Conflict? Essay

Indeed,a conflict does exist between science and religion however the conflict is based on the lack of acceptance and vast misconceptions which members of either side are unwilling to let go of. The conflict between science and religion exists because there is a lack of congruence between the results achieved through scientific discovery and the beliefs required by a religion to follow. This has led to the formation of two extremes i. e. either accept faith and the doctrines required by faith to be observed or accept the rational methodologies of science. In an article published by â€Å"The Atlantic†, the author is of the opinion that solving the riddle that creates the conflict between science and religion is of utmost importance for the current generation. This is because of the reason that these two schools of thought are the most influential forces and guide the way we live our lives (Alfred). Science and religion since their inception have been in a state of continuous development. However this development has been in the opposite direction i. e. nitially science studied the literature provided by religion however with the development of scientific research, certain religious concepts remained unproven because they were considered â€Å"Abstract† by science. This has led to people accepting one side to be true and the other false (Alfred). There is a conflict between science and religion however this is because of the fact that people are hesitant to study both and stick to one side. This has led to the permanent h ousing of misconceptions in the minds of people and is adding fuel to the fire i. e. increasing the conflict between the two ways of life. The major reason behind the conflict between science and religion is the lack of acceptance of conclusions reached by either science or religion regarding a particular matter. If science put more light on the topic under discussion, religious scholars would deny those facts based on the grounds that the research is â€Å"blasphemous† and contradicts basic religious principles. An article by the â€Å"Times† magazine states the Christian Church and other religions including Islam focus on key aspects of human creation such as the possession of a soul by every human being or the miracles performed by saints and â€Å"Men of God†. Science however focuses on new ways of quantifying and measuring human evolution; both the concepts create a conflict (Dan, 2006). Science has been able to prove the physical existence of emotions such as passion, anger by locating it in different parts of the brain. This contradicts with the principle followed by most religions regarding the presence of a soul in every human and how that soul is free from bodily functions etc. However acceptance of this is denied by religious scholars based on the grounds that the concept of the Afterlife is fundamental to most religions and the concept of the soul is greatly in congruence with the Afterlife (Dan, 2006). Scientific research should not be viewed as a threat to the fundamentals of a religion rather the studies should be perceived as being insightful i. e. the research further clarifies religious concepts rather than denouncing them. There are certain driving factors that govern the existence and acceptance of the conflict between science and religion. Upbringing, Education and Social behavior are some of the factors that lead to people in both the scientific and religious communities to accept that there indeed is a rift between science and religion. In an article by Elaine Howard of Rice University and Jerry Z. Park of Baylor University, they provided the results of a study they carried out which involved the selection of 21 American scientists who were considered to be among the elite of the time. They studied their attitude towards religion and deduced that all scientists i. e. hether a naturalist or social scientist, have different levels of acceptance towards the conflict that exists between science and religion. The acceptance is affected by their culture and extent of religious practice (Ecklund& Park, 2009). Since everyone needs something to believe in, scientists who do not belong to a strict religious background readily accept the conflict since they have devoted their life to one particular school of thought. This p erception is formed after extensive research based on rational thinking and seeking proof of everything which makes scientists so skeptical about religious beliefs. Among scientists however there is a lack of acceptance towards a religion even if he/she is a believer. This is because of the perceived pressure they would receive if their peers in the scientific community were to discover this fact (Elaine, 2010). The only way to resolve the conflict is to accept religious diversity as well as the free discussion of scientific concepts without being judged as being blasphemous. It is through this open discussion that the misunderstandings that exist between scholars of both extremes be cleared. The ways the scientific concepts are taught in schools are one of the major causes of the conflict. Since the teachers do not have clear knowledge and understanding of the scientific concepts, they pass on inadequate information to the students attending. In an article named â€Å"First Year College Students’ Conflict with Religion and Science† issued by the Georgia State University, the author tells us that it is in the human nature to perceive oneself to be better than the rest. The general public tends to interpret and create their own perceptions regarding scientific concepts and religious beliefs. The self-interpretations lead to misconceptions which are major cause of the rift that exists between science and religion (Martin, 2008). The schools and teachers within those schools teach in a manner that fixes and restricts the brain of the student to think beyond what is thought. The rigid concepts become permanent with the passage of time which leads to the rejection of anything other than the closely held concepts. Science and religion develop over time, sometimes even complimenting each other. If a clear understanding of the advancements would not be obtained, there would always be room for misinterpretations. Therefore to remove the conflict at an elementary stage, teachers should encourage students to interpret scientific research however they should know what is right and what is not in order to correct the misconceptions when they arise. An Evangelist is a person who preaches faith based on his or her own perception about the beliefs fundamental to the faith. Christian evangelists have always been skeptical towards scientific concepts as well as theological theories about the creation of the world. Amos Yong carried out an analysis of various literary works related to the explanation of the conflict paradigm between science and religion. The findings were summarized in the article named â€Å"Science and Religion: Introducing the Issues, Entering the Debates – A review essay† and focused primarily on discovering ways to align the methods of the church with scientific methodologies (Yong, 2011). The study identified various conceptual frameworks that could be adopted which would align the thought process of the evangelist with scientific methodologies. Other measures that could be adopted include targeting the people lower in the hierarchy at the church. These people could be taught the concepts of science and how science can better explain religion (Yong, 2011). The only way to resolve the conflict that exists for evangelists is to align their religious beliefs with rational scientific methods. Since an evangelist is a strict believer in faith, the beliefs would always be fundamental however better scientific knowledge can help bridge the differences. Science is based on methods and the rationale behind every phenomenon. Religion however on the other hand requires the believer to keep faith in the fundamental principles. Both present a different picture of the same thing and it is this difference in perception that has developed a conflict between science and religion. Science and Religion are two sides of the same coin. These two schools of thoughts add to each other rather than diverging. Religious concepts such as morality can be better understood through scientific research which helps understand and adhere to religion better. There is a connection of knowledge between science and religion which if strengthened is in the favor of the future of the human race. Science and religion have a point where the two schools of thoughts converge. One of the points is quality of being spiritual. Although scientists work on the basis of rationality, they still have a spiritual side which allows them to keep faith while exploring the horizons of science and reasoning. In an article titled â€Å"Science vs. Religion: What Scientists Really Think†, the author Elaine Ecklund states that even atheists have a certain level of spirituality within them. The spirituality may not necessarily be associated with keeping faith however there is a curiosity regarding the origination and formation of our plant and existence (Elaine, 2010). The spiritual side within scientists is promoted by their upbringing and education. The spiritual side makes them interested in religious beliefs. Through their scientific approach and belief in religious concepts, it makes it easier for them to focus on scientific research and proving religious concepts to be accurate (Elaine, 2010). Therefore spirituality leads to a better scientific reasoning approach to be adopted. Through religious involvement scientific research can be refined and complex questions can be answered. Morality and reality go hand in hand. Morality is the set of values and attitudes that are generally acceptable by a particular society for a particular moment in time. Religion requires a greater focus on displaying moral behavior. Morality can be better displayed by understanding reality and how it is affected by moral thinking. Morality is required by religion whereas reality is explained by science proving that there is a deeper link rather than a conflict. Through scientific reasoning we are able to deduce the right way to behave in a society. These studies can help assess what moral behavior is. The article â€Å"Religion vs. Science† outlines the scientific efforts to better understand moral behavior which helps us adhere to religious principles in a better way (Honner, 1994). Science is able to study all factors that affect behavior including societal norms, environmental conditions and personal feelings. By quantifying morality, we are able to develop a better understanding of what constitutes morality. This indicates that the relationship between science and religion is one of clarification rather than a source of conflict (Honner, 1994). Therefore rather than thinking about a conflict being in existence, we should follow the results of scientific research and studies to better clarify religious beliefs. Through scientific research we are able to uncover and understand the abstract concepts that religion defines. Queries about our existence can be answered by a careful examination of religious concepts complimented with a thorough scientific analysis. In an article name God, creation, science, religion: the conflicts by Tom Chivers, the author tells us that scientist in order to deduce the actual age of the Earth moved to religious transcripts appearing in the Bible. Although the Bible did not provide dates however did contain information on the characteristics of the people at the time. This was a major input in the scientific breakthrough (Tom, 2009). The scientific declarations cannot be denied as they have been institutional to the development of the knowledge and understanding regarding the universe. By further considering the importance of religion we would come across certain questions that have been yet to be answered by scientific research. Through this connection we can uncover various mysteries concerning the universe and everything within it (Tom, 2009). People should develop a thorough understanding of the concepts of both extremes. Through this understanding we would be able to develop a much better connection between science and religion and resolve all mysteries which would give us a better understanding of who we are and why we exist. Referring to the first counter argument, it states that science and religion converge because a level of spirituality exists between the followers of the two extremes. The argument is refuted by the original thesis stating that although the spiritual level does exist however this would not lead to the convergence of ideas arising within the two schools of thoughts. The reason behind it is the fact that there is a lack of acceptance of conclusions by scholars of both the extremes leading to a never ending conflict. Referring to the second counter argument, it states that science and religion add to each other in way that science leads to a better understanding of moral behavior which is a pre-requisite for religious believers. However the original thesis refutes this argument by saying that although the concepts add to each other however there are vast misconceptions in the minds of the followers of both science and religion. These misconceptions come in the middle and cause the conflict to extend rather than reaching a resolution point. Referring to the final counter argument, it states that there is no conflict between the fields because religious beliefs and knowledge acts as a basis of scientific research and discovery. This argument is challenged by the original thesis in a manner that although this can be the case however people classify themselves as being either religious or scientific. Due to this classification, the connection between science and religion cannot be established.

Friday, August 30, 2019

“School Ties” Film Analysis

I have decided to watch movie† School Ties† because it talks about Americans college students from 1950s and their way of looking at race and religion. ‘School Ties' addresses the prevalent anti-Semitism views in the USA. But it also presents discrimination and social pressure to ‘fit in', the urge to deny one's ideals and beliefs in order to be accepted by environment. Main character of the movie David Green is a Jewish kid who is very talented in football, this skill gets him a full scholarship to an exclusive New England Prep School and thereby a one in a million chance to get into Harvard.At the beginning of the movie we can see that David has to pay a high price because of his Jewish heritage. Before living to school David stopped at the local teen hangout to say goodbye to his friends, while doing it he get taunted by a member of a rival gang and called â€Å"Jewish buster†, after hearing that remark David fought him, it seems like he is used to g etting respect from others by force. On the arrival day at the new school, David is advised by the sports coach to keep his Jewishness to himself.It is upsetting to know that even school officials are not able to tolerate his religion. Later, in the dormitory, David meets his upper-class schoolmates who are patently anti-Semitic, more because it's the commonly accepted attitude than for any specific, personal reasons. Their casually spoken remarks bother David, but he does not react to it because he wants to fit in. He realizes that they'll tolerate his not being as rich or as connected as them better than the fact of him being Jewish.David is willing to sacrifice a lot in order to be part of the group, even though it compromises his upbringing. He hides his Jewishness because he knows the reaction it will provoke. Yet he still sneaks off in the middle of the night to celebrate the Jewish New Year. In the middle of the movie fact of David being a Jew comes out and at that moment his world falls apart. Each of David's classmates reacts differently to the realization that they have made friends with a Jew. These reactions vary from cautious acceptance to outright condemnation .Although most of David's classmates, blatantly and continuously proclaims that Jews are dirty, greedy, and worthless. His new friends do not want to have anything to do with him, his girlfriend dumps him and explains that she does not want to be ridiculed by others and hear comments of† how it is to kiss a Jew† David has a hard time understanding entire situation; he's still the same person after all. He confronts his room-mate Chris, who tries to pretend it isn't so much about being a Jew as about having lied to them.According to him David should have told him from the beginning that he was a Jew. David defends himself by pointing out that Chris hadn't told him about being a Methodist. Ostracized on all sides, David now faces harassment nasty remarks in the dining room and the n a Nazi banner in his room saying â€Å"Go home Jew† During the history exam one of the boys cheats and loses a copy chit he was using, Professor finds it and requires the cheater to admit; unfortunately no one is ready to take the blame. Therefore boys trying to decide themselves which one of them is guilty.Boys spending long time debating and their votes are divided between David and Dillon. By the end they decide to blame David because of his Jewish heritage, when David’s roommate is trying to defend him one of the boys makes a mean remark toward him saying â€Å"You rather give up one of us for the price of a stupid Jew†. Boys ending up in favor of Dillon and force David to admit something he had not done. David is told to go and admit his ‘crime' to the Principal. Deeply hurt, David sees no other way than to comply with this obvious ganging up. He goes to the Principal's Office and takes the blame.But, fortunately, the truth came out because one of t he boys who saw Dillon cheated informs school officials before David admits. Dillon is summarily expelled and David is asked to stay on. The Principal wants to ‘forget' the incident even happened, but David refuses to do so. â€Å"You used me for football†, he says, â€Å"Now I'll use you to get into Harvard†. The movie presents many types of microagression while analyzing it we can easily distinguish microassault that refers to verbal and nonverbal attack to convey discriminatory and biased sentiments.In the movie boys intentionally attack David verbally and nonverbally when they find out that he is Jewish, it is definitely an example of overt discrimination. On every occasion they freely express derogatory feelings and opinions that they hold against David’s â€Å"otherness†. It is really upsetting that actions like that are going on in one of the most prestigious Colleges that should actually be an example to others of how to treat diversity, ins tead of discriminating it should teach acceptance and tolerance.I really enjoy a movie and I believe It well presents a struggle that every one of us could have facing such a great opportunities. Deciding between religion which is part of our identity or being successful in academic career can be pretty challenging task. I think film â€Å"School ties† brought into a discussion a real issue which is very relevant, we all want to be part of dominant group and in order to do so we often must gave up some part of our identity which is distinct, unfortunately such a decision will never make us fully satisfied with ourselves.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Principles of Economic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Principles of Economic - Essay Example If both countries are closed economies, i.e., they do not participate in any trade then both countries will produce both goods by allocating half of their resources to each of the goods, tomatoes and clothes in our case. Consider the hypothetical table below: They cannot produce entire amounts of both goods at the same time. However, participating in international trade and specialization can help increase their production possibilities. Since Pakistan is better at cloth production while Germany is better at tomatoes production, Pakistan is said to have an absolute advantage in cloth production and Germany in tomatoes production. Therefore, common sense suggests that each should specialize in the good in which they have an absolute advantage and as a result, each of them would be better off than they were before. This means that Pakistan should produce 400 clothes and no tomatoes and Germany should produce 400 tomatoes and no clothes. Therefore, Pakistan can now import 200 tomatoes from Germany while Germany can import 200 clothes from Pakistan, thereby each of them realizing a gain of 150 from international trade and specialization. Clearly there is a gain from international trade and specialization in the form of increased production possibilities. ... Therefore, Pakistan can now import 200 tomatoes from Germany while Germany can import 200 clothes from Pakistan, thereby each of them realizing a gain of 150 from international trade and specialization. Cloth Tomatoes Total production (without trade) 250 250 Total production (with trade) 400 400 Clearly there is a gain from international trade and specialization in the form of increased production possibilities. However, even when, for instance, Germany has an absolute advantage in the production of both tomatoes and clothes, participating in international trade and specialization can increase its production possibilities and increase world trade. The theory of comparative advantage says that it should specialize in those goods which it can produce with relatively greater efficiency and import the other. However, we must remember that the above was based on two countries and two products only. In the real world, there are many products and countries involved. However, this model can be extended to include any number of countries or products. Other assumptions are also involved such as production costs are constant and there are no restrictions on international trade. In reality, this is not true. Nevertheless, we can conclude that international trade and specialization can increase world trade through the theories of absolute and comparative advantage. Q2 (a) (i) Price of Mangoes - $ / kg Quantity Demanded - 000/kg Quantity supplied-000/kg $6.00 220 400 $5.50 240 360 $5.00 260 320 $4.50 280 280 $4.00 300 240 $3.50 320 200 $3.00 340 160 Equilibrium quantity= 280000

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

About Micro Economics Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

About Micro Economics - Research Proposal Example and also helps facing the competition developing in any market by focusing on the customers’ needs and the supply and demand issues (Starr, 2007; McNamara, 2008). The major steps involved in developing a strategic business plan include the identification of the time to make such plan. A strategic business plan can be developed anytime when the business expects any kind of restructuring or expansion and the future of the business comes to any questionable position. The strategic business plan also helps in analyzing the past and current operations of the business running successfully to determine the future improvements. The strategic business plan is helpful to protect business from running into the phase of crisis from a successful state (Hilty, n.d.). After deciding the need for developing strategic business plan the organization needs to analyze the situation outside the organization, i.e., the background information of the business focusing on the market situation, available resources, management system and the existing centers of profit. The analysis of cash flow and expenses, the data of debts and production costs, financial, capital an d labor efficiency, etc. makes the next step of strategic planning. This can best be done in strategic business planning through the SWOT analysis, i.e., the in depth investigation of the situation of the organization including identification of its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. While strengths and weaknesses are the internal characteristics of a business the opportunities and threats are the external components which the organization itself does not have any control over. It is applicable in all business sectors when a very limited time is available to address a complex strategic situation. This step helps in providing a large amount of external and internal information relevant to the business situation and the aspects requiring immediate attention. These four aspects related to any business helps in

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Communication - Essay Example Center of discussion in this paper is communication as â€Å"a process of sharing facts, ideas, opinion thoughts and information through speech, writing, gesture or symbol between two or more person†. But in general point of view, communication is the procedure of interacting with peers. The procedure of communication enables sharing of ideas, thoughts and feeling. Every day human beings interact with their families and friends that provide them with significant opportunities to share their feelings, perceptions, desires and other personal with other but it would have been impossible without communication. Hence, it can be stated that communication is one of the most apparent and essential processes and is integral to the human life. Process of communication consists of four major components, i.e. sender, message, receiver, and feedback which are processed through verbal and non-verbal means. For instance, communication can take place both through verbal and non-verbal modes o f communication such as mouth in verbal procedures and visual, aural and gesture in non-verbal procedures. Sender is the person who transmit message, receiver are those who receives message from the sender. Messages enclose facts, feelings and ideas of the sender. The process ends with feedback that contains receiver’s responds and reply to the message sent by the sender. Through the assistance of feedback, sender can identify the receivers’ reaction level. Communication process is also affected due to the existing barriers which are of two types, i.e. internal barrier and external barrier. Internal barrier generally comprises poor listening ability, lack of attention between the parties, mistrust, and personal problems. External communication barrier can be ensued during bad connection in the phone, network problem, and noise (Samovar, 2009). Therefore, it can be stated that communication has made human life imperative. Verbal Communication Language is one of the vita l requirements for the communication procedure. Communication processed with the help of words is recognized as verbal communication. In the prior description it has been notified that verbal communication contains two procedures oral and written communication. During Verbal communication or oral communication one party sends message to another party, through speech. If the listener and speaker can comprehend with the each other than the process of verbal communication can achieve success (Business Studies, n.d). Figure: Process of verbal communication Feedback Source: (Buffalo State University, n.d.) Verbal communication takes place through the above procedure. Speakers first encode the message through the proper channel. Verbal communication channel can be telephone calls and face to face interactions. After encoding the message, decoding process is done and the messages are transmitted to the listener. Feedback is the opinion of the receiver as conveyed to the sender. Through thi s process listener responds and the speaker can recognise the other party. Thus, communication can be stated as a continuous process taking place in the daily life of human

Monday, August 26, 2019

Write report of CESIM simulation of Production n R n D department Essay

Write report of CESIM simulation of Production n R n D department - Essay Example The director in charge of production provides support to satisfy the demands of all the three continents. Furthermore, the head of production has additional duties of handling manufacturing contracts to supply enough products for outsourcing. The Research and Development (R&D) department deals with improvements and innovations in new technology (Johnson, Whittington, and Scholes, 2011, 89). The department offers information new techniques of developing and improving products, which facilitates the expansion of company business activities as well as production and demand. Scholars identify that businesses have an essential to play in the manufacturing process within their operations (Johnson, Whittington, and Scholes, 2011, 67-8). Management of the same increases the competitive advantage of the company against rivals in the market. Significant relationships exist between supply and demand management therefore the company ought to undertake thorough analysis based on either supply shifter or demand shifter as environmental factors. It is possible to evaluate the capacity of the company to deal with the manufacturing process of the business in satisfying customer demands. In addition, it demonstrates the ability of the fir m to minimize the cost of production that resonates with the demand management. From the marketing outlook point of view and looking at the demand for mobile phones, it is observed that the demand for handsets has significantly increased since passengers are able to use the mobile phones even in the airplanes. Looking at the cost analysis, the transportation cost expected to fall by about 6% while the production cost is expected to remain unchanged. The competitiveness of the economy of China has resulted in its central bank selling huge amounts of Rmb in the FX market. This has consequently made Rmb fall by approximately 10% against the USD as the Euro also rebounds (Cesim,

Sunday, August 25, 2019

General Motors Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

General Motors - Term Paper Example For most of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, General Motors has been the world largest automobile manufacturer in the world. It is one of the largest assembly and distribution companies dealing with automobiles. It is an American multinational corporation founded in 1908 under the leadership of William C. Durant. The main aim was to bring together the different motorcar companies that were producing brands such as Cadillac, Oldsmobile and Buick together and streamline its production processes. It started in Flint Michigan with an aim of making it possible for more people to acquire automobiles across North America. At the turn of the 20th century, less than 8,000 automobiles were present in America, and Durant, under his Buick Company, was a successful manufacturer of horse-drawn vehicles.Between 1909 and 1929, the imagination that automobiles brought to the table was incredible and many more additions increased GM’s reach in the country. The addition of Vauxhall, Che vrolet and Opel diversified the company’s selection and production, making it easier to target different individuals across the divide. The Cadillac LaSalle of 1927 made people realize that cars were not only a source of transportation but also a statement of style for those conscious of such attributes and details in their possessions. Innovations that followed in the 1930s up to 1950s made it easier to provide more vehicles to suit individual needs as well as make production cheaper and costs lower to make it easier for everyone to own a car.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Critical Review of a paper by Lindsay G and Muijs D (2006) Challenging Lab Report

Critical Review of a paper by Lindsay G and Muijs D (2006) Challenging Underachievement in boys - Lab Report Example In this study, schools influenced ethos by educating teachers perceptions of underachieving groups and educating pupils views of school and learning. In other words, they looked at the leadership of the school and worked downward to the pupils to learn the culture of the school. To be effective, this involved an emphasis on the school connecting to the community and making a high level of expectations known. The school also needs to take on the culture values of the community. The school must be re-socialized to reflect community values. Parental involvement and community outreach have been found to be important to establish a pride in the school system. Part of ethos is the philosophy of the teachers toward addressing learning concerns which involves changing the curriculum and teaching techniques for different pupil groups. It also involves whether or not a vocational or basic skills orientation is chooses for pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds. It appears that the approach used in the schools in the studies leaned toward the vocational orientation. There were two general approaches used in the schools studied. The effective school mode is where the focus is optimizing achievement for all students so it is ethnicity free and gender free. Specific groups are not targeted but rather they are integrated completely within the greater student body. There is some evidence that Caribbean, Indian and Pakistani students attain more in this type of school if intermixed with mainly a white student population. The second approach does target specific sub-groups. The important issue seems to be why this targeting is used and how the target groups are chosen. It is best to use a general profile of the student rather than ethnicity as the grouping criteria, according to this study.This study provides evidence that schools can find success in underachievement in specific groups of boys. This is democratic action research and to incorporated both quantitative methods using multi-level modeling to identify schools and qualitative methods to collect opinions of those involved in the educational process. Study Methods It is important to look at how this study was done. It is democratic action research. This is a form of research that uses non researchers to conduct the study. This form of research has been criticized because these individuals do not know how to do research. This particular study used researchers to supervise the work as well as consult on the design, to maintain its integrity.The first staged of the study searched for the schools to be used in the study. They were looking for schools that showed that they were having some success in improving the achievement of the target groups of boys, black Caribbean, African and UK-born boys. Standardized test uses by the British school system were used as a measure to determine which schools showed success. The second stage was to interview head teachers and a sample of other teachers and a sample of students. The interviews were semi-structured, recorded and written up immediately following the interview. A thematic analysis was then done to identify key themes and sub-themes.Multi-level modeling

Friday, August 23, 2019

Truth, Justice and Reconciliation in Latin America Essay

Truth, Justice and Reconciliation in Latin America - Essay Example How we choose to overcome these political and social obstacles will largely predetermine the success of our democratization endeavors. However, democratization, how difficult and painful it may be, is the only chance for Argentina to become a civilized community. In this situation, there are several possible paths we could choose. My task and the task of the commission are to analyze all possible options and pathways and choose the best for our country. The current role of the commission is to investigate the past human rights violations and develop new democratization strategies, based on the principles of effectiveness, forgiveness, and justice. People of El Salvador should realize that the commission on the truth was created to investigate human rights violations and offenses, the consequences of which the people of Argentina had been suffering for years. These investigations, on the one hand, will promote better efficiency of crime investigation, especially in terms of crimes against humanity. Simultaneously, these investigations will become the first step toward democratization, which will finally give the people of Argentina an opportunity to exercise their rights and freedoms to the fullest. Our Truth Commission was established the end of the twentieth century, following the end of the Dirty War in 1983. The primary aim of the Commission was to find out the fates and destinies of thousands of people, who had disappeared during the War. As a result, â€Å"we have discovered close to 9000 of these unfortunate people who were abandoned by the world† (Report of Conadep). Today, the goal of our organization is to exp lore the reasons of human rights violations in Argentina. The commission will work to identify the legal branches and fields of human performance, in which most human rights violations take place. I cannot but admit that the Truth Commission

MANAGEMENT Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

MANAGEMENT - Research Paper Example The strategic organizations are able to exploit the benefits and opportunities with clear targets as well as required resources and dynamism (Burkhart & Reuss, 1993). A number of businesses are analyzing and applying strategic planning concepts and methodologies that have major contributions to successes in the business fields. The fundamental notion of strategic planning is to create plans, which help businesses to undertake in an uncertain future and are founded on clear visions. The future plans may have several years of strategic planning. Sometimes, it may be as long as of two decades (Anthony & Young, 1999). Strategy planning can be described as â€Å"the plans and activities developed by an organization in pursuit of its goals and objectives, particularly in regard to positioning itself to meet external environmental demands relative to its competition† (Kovner & Neuhauser, 1990). Strategic planning for example Wal-Mart offers a clear outline and that helps in coordinat ion endeavors and harmonization of the company. Moreover, it helps companies to have better decision-making, good internal and external communication in addition to improved motivations amongst participating members (Begun & Heatwole, 1999). Strategic planning covers future decisions by human resources of organizations. Strategic Planning helps the management of company the needed direction and goals for internal as well as external environments. Strategic Levels The contemporary organizations generally implement many levels for successful running of the organizations (Beamish, 2000). Each strategic level aims at distinct planning tasks and objectives. The strategic levels are meant to apply the decisions made by businesses and their impacts on the organizations. Following are levels of planning strategies: 1. Corporate strategy 2. Business strategy, and 3. Functional strategy. Corporate level strategy covers the decisions the company made regarding allocation of resources to achiev e the desired goals. It also makes the decisions regarding new services and diversifications provided by the company. Business level strategy concerns with the decisions regarding how the companies would be competitive in the business environment for a particular service or product. Functional level strategy focuses on how a particular business would undertake and operate various business strategies. The successful application of the planning strategies might include modern systems, employment, and training of staff in addition to and the creation of new business partnerships. However there are certain limitations for many organizations to execute some specific plans. The best method for the execution of strategic planning involves both a strategy formulation process and an implementation procedure. Formulation of the planning strategy decides about the modus operandi and its execution. Both these procedures are strongly interrelated and could be assessed individually. Strategy form ulation Strategy formulation is a quite flexible process and is employed to evaluate or re-examine a company’s core values and philosophy. Moreover it helps in development of company’s plans to realize its targets and goals (Beamish, 2000). Following are the key determinants in the strategy formulation procedures: 1. Consensus of mission and vision 2. Environmental assessment, and 3. Setting goals and objectives. Mission/Vision A good strategic plan ensures that a

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Global Warming Essay Example for Free

Global Warming Essay Global Warming is an issue that concerns almost everybody worldwide: it is the primary cause for the erratic and sometimes devastating weather that is experienced around the world. Global warming is causing the rise in sea level which in turn causes the flooding of coastal areas and areas with low elevation. Is global warming really happening today? Scientists with the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) believe it is so. It is indisputable that there has been a rise in the concentration of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmosphere during the last century, which scientists think may be one of the causes of global warming. II. Discussion A. Global Warming and doomsday Will global warming spell doom for our world? Scientists believe this to be so. Much depends on what actions we take now and in the coming years. Meteorologist Jagadish Shukla of the University of Maryland found out that deforestation would cause rainfall in the Amazon River to decline by more than 26 percent from the current 2. 5 m. to about 1. 8 m. a year. At the same time, the burning of fossil fuels, particularly coal and oil, produces sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides which are hazardous to the atmosphere. Findings show that a single smokestack may produce as much as 500 tons of sulfur dioxide a day. When these gases combine with oxygen and moisture, sulfuric acid and nitric acid is formed. The rain will carry the acids to the ground (acid rain) which may cause the depletion of calcium and magnesium in the soil, elements needed by plants for the formation of chlorophyll and wood, or it may cause the release of aluminum in the soil, which are poisonous and can kill the roots of trees (Carwardine, 2000). According to Dr. Sadik, UN population fund’s director, said that the more people increased pressure on already stressed lands, forests and water supplies. Other sources of climatic change were attributed to some forms of gases such as nitrous oxide, methane and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) (Cronin, 2001). Nitrous oxide or laughing gas is a colorless gas with a sweet taste and odor that is used as an anaesthetic in minor surgery that H2O is responsible for about 6 percent of the human contributes to greenhouse warming. Methane or cow gas, on the other hand, makes up about 18 percent of human contributions to greenhouse effect. Cattle, sheep, goats, and other cud-chewing animals give off methane, in burps and flatulence as they digest. CFCs was discovered by Thomas Widgley Jr. , a chemist working at the Frigidaire Division of General Motors, used as coolants in refrigerators and air conditioners and aerosol propellants in spray cans, medical sterilizers, cleaning solvents for electronic components and raw materials for making plastic foams such as coffee cups. CFCs are estimated to account for 14 percent of global warming. Experts said that what is happening right now is not a matter of adding a few degrees to the average temperature of a community. A rise of this magnitude may cause life, for without the environment, creatures on earth cannot survive (Davidson, 2003). B. Recommendations a. ) Recycling and Reuse of Solid Wastes Solid wastes are now viewed as a potential resource which must be recovered and reused whenever possible. Since disposal forest resources are rapidly being depleted, recycling solid wastes offer a solution to both. Consider the element phosphorus. Mined from phosphate ores, it is manufactured into fertilizers. It enters the plant tissues and we obtain it when we eat plant as vegetable. This is later excreted and joins the sewage system. The sewage system sludge can be used directly as fertilizer or soil conditioner. b. ) Conserving our Forests Every now and then we receive alarming news about our forests being denuded. Big logging concessionaires indiscriminately cut down trees without undertaking reforestation measures. III. Conclusion Of all issues affecting humanity, climate change is the most pervasive and truly global, posing a very real and serious threat to our environment. Climate change is the alteration of the pattern of global climate that may be due to human activity that alters the composition of the atmosphere. If present day emissions of greenhouse gases continue, it is estimated that the rate of increase in global mean temperatures will reach about 0. 3o C per decade. This will mean a likely increase of 1o C above the present level by the year 2025, and 3o C before the end of the next century. Reference: 1. Carwardine, Mark (2000). The WWF Environment Handbook. London: Macdonald Optima. Attractively illustrated handbook for the general reader. 2. Cronin, Helena (2001). The Ant and the Peacock: Altruism and Sexual Selection from Darwin to Today. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Chapters 2, 3, 4 (pp. 7-110). 3. Davidson, Joan (2003). How Green is your City? Pioneering Approaches to Environmental Action. London: Bedford Square Press. Guide to community action for urban renewal.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Identity in clothing

Identity in clothing THE CREATION OF IDENTITY THROUGH CLOTHING The work of Alison Lurie (Lurie, 1983) â€Å"The Language of Clothes† and Didier Gondola’s (Gondola, 2010) â€Å"La Sape Exposed! High Fashion among Lower-Class Congolese Youth† will be discussed in order to examine the concept of creating an identity through fashion. The first idea of discussion is Lurie’s concept (Lurie, 1983: 6) â€Å"Colour and Conformity†. Secondly Gondola’s comments on the Sapeurs. The third paragraph, applying the Lurie concept of Colour and Conformity to the Sapeurs and lastly the Colour and Conformity of Lurie, applied to the Smarteez. Lurie states (Lurie, 1983: 1) â€Å"Today, as semiotics become fashionable, sociologists tell us that fashion too is a language of signs, a nonverbal system of communication†. In Gondola and Corrigall’s articles, they discuss the way the sub-culture groups, Sapeurs and Smarteez used extravagant, colourful fashion to rise above their challenged, impoverished circumstances to create a flamboyant identity. Lurie’s (1983) article â€Å"The Language of Clothes† argues that wearing clothes is a form of language interpreted by all. Lurie states (Lurie, 1983:1) â€Å"†¦human beings have communicated with one another first in the language of dress†¦Ã¢â‚¬  In the section â€Å"Colour and conformity† Lurie mentions that psychologists discovered, looking at different colours may alternate our vital signs and emotions (Lurie, 1983: 1). Lurie justifies this by claiming that when someone is approached, the first thing that occupies the visual field is the colour of clothing having a great effect on the nervous system. (Lurie, 1983:2) â€Å"Loud, clashing colours, like loud noises [†¦] may actually hurt our eyes or give us a headache†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . This implies that (Lurie, 1983:2) â€Å"Colour in dress is also like tone of voice in speech†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . A white evening dress communicates a different message than a scarlet one. (Lurie, 1983:2) According to Lu rie (Lurie, 1983:3) â€Å"Convention alters the meaning of colours according to the place and time at which they are worn.† The corporate environment requires conventional dress code to communicate status, but the same people would wear colourful eveningwear, suggesting that not dressing in the recognized range of colour for given situations, attracts unfavorable attention. To the Sapeurs, making an immediate impact with their colourful clothing was of greater importance than the attention they received. In his article â€Å"La Sape Exposed! High Fashion Among Lower-Class Congolese Youth† (Gondola, 2010: 157) Gondola comments on the Sapeurs, the oppression faced and the new identity created in response to that. French colonialism brought to Africa, a mission to civilize the people. Gondola states (Gondola, 2010: 158) â€Å"†¦their mission civilisatrice was predicated on redeeming [†¦] â€Å"primitive minds†[†¦] â€Å"primitive bodies† of the â€Å"naked people†. During the 1920s, the word sape(dress) and se saper (to dress fashionably) was used to describe the fashion energy that characterized Parisian socialites. (Gondola, 2010: 158) They influenced the young Sapeurs to dress fashionably, even over dress. Gondola comments (Gondola, 2010: 160) â€Å"†¦Congolese houseboys spurned their masters secondhand clothes [†¦] spending their meager wages extravagantly to acquire the latest fashions from Paris†. After independence of t he Congo’s in 1960, young Congolese flocked to Europe, because of economic chaos. Their dreams of a new life hindered by discrimination. Gondola argues (Gondola, 2010: 165) â€Å"†¦la sape became a refuge that enabled them to forge new identities away from home†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Gondola’s writing highlights that the sapeurs overcame their struggles by allowing fashion to be the essence of their identity through the use of vibrant suits. (, 2015) â€Å"Within this society, men are encouraged to have their own sense of style, bringing an individualised definition of sophistication and elegance that suits each character and enriches the group as a whole†. This image of the Sapeurs is an example of Gondala’s comment (Gondola, 2010: 158) â€Å"One could easily spot them strolling down the boulevards [†¦] in expensive and flamboyant attire†. Combining a maximum of three colours was their idea of perfection. (Michalon, 2015) â€Å"The ways of Sapeology are impenetrable for any Sapeologist who does not know the rule of 3: a trilogy of finished and unfinished colours†. They had to know the rules of elegance, which implied matching colours harmoniusly without being excessive. (Gondola, 2010) The loud and striking message the Sapeurs portray in this image does not have a negative effect, as Lurie implies (Lurie, 1983: 2) because of their stylish matching of colours. Like the Sapeurs o vercame their obstacles through their fashion identity, the Smarteez also formed an identity through their excessive colourful attire. In her article â€Å"AGAINST THE MACHINE: THE ‘SMARTEEZ’ FASHION A NEW POST-APARTHEID IDENTITY† Mary Corrigall writes about the Smarteez (Corrigall, 2011: 2) â€Å"a youth-driven street fashion sub-culture†. The image of the group above reflects their striking outfits. (Corrigall, 2011: 2) â€Å"The Smarteez outfits are garish and excessively colourful and thus immediately recognisable as in the vein of dandyism in which the subjects appear like costumed objects†. Lurie argues (Lurie, 1983: 4) â€Å" some people may avoid colours they like because of the belief [†¦] that they are unbecoming, while others may wear colours they dislike for symbolic reasons†. The defining feature of the Smarteez was combining primary colours in their outfits, referring to their name,â€Å" a bright sugar-coated chocolate confection†. (Corrigall, 2011: 3) The name smart refers to their formal wear and intellectual acuity. (Corrigall, 2011: 3) â€Å"â € ¦the Smarteez attire is a parody of the middle class values†. According to Lurie (Lurie, 1983: 1) â€Å"†¦dress is a continual manifestation of intimate thoughts, a language and a symbol.† Rejecting those who did not wear brightly coloured clothes. Therefore they set out to create their own unique identity. The aim of this essay was to assess Lurie’s (1983) â€Å"The Language of Clothes†, specifically her discussion of â€Å"Colour and Conformity† and Didier Gondola’s (Gondola, 2010) â€Å"La Sape Exposed! [†¦] Congolese Youth† by examining the concept of creating identity through fashion. Lurie comments on clothing as a language that communicates. Using colour attracts favorable or unfavorable attention. The Sapeurs created an accomplished and wealthy identity through colourful clothing, their flamboyance making immediate impact. The Smarteez valued their brightly coloured clothing to the extent of rejecting those that did not conform. Therefore these subcultural groups rose above their struggles by creating new identities through fashion. Bibliography Gondola, D. (2010) La Sape Exposed! High Fashion among Lower-Class Congolese Youth. Gott, S.L.K. (ed.) Contemporary African Fashion, 1st edition, Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Lurie, A. (1983) The Language of clothes, Random House Inc. Leroux, D. (2014) Forget the hipster fashion, preppy, preppy golden swag. Nothing compares to the Fire of Congo, 11 Nov, [Online], Available: [24 May 2015]. Edsuter (2015) The Smarteez | Ed Suter, [Online], Available: [24 May 2015]. (2015) Sapeurs: The creativity of African fashionistas | OBV, [Online], Available: [24 May 2015]. Michalon, N. (2015) Sussing out La Sape: fashion, science or religion?, 07 Apr, [Online], Available: [24 May 2015]. Corrigall, M. (2011) Against the Machine: The Smarteez Fashion a new post-apartheid identity, Fashion Conference, Oxford, 1-4. 1

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Customer Relationship Management System

Customer Relationship Management System Executive summary The purpose of this research is to explore and examine the experience and perception of management and employees to know about the importance, implementation of customer relationship management (CRM) system in German organization. For better understanding of the topic, a literature review of the past and relevant research about CRM perspectives is going to be taken place, in addition the findings would be compared with the literature review to know about the similarities and differences between the two. This research is taken the account case study analysis of two German organizations. Mainly the data is taken from the seven days visit to Bremen City of Germany. Where the trend of being innovative seen in Beluga shipping and DB schenker logistics use information technology to support its huge network of frights transport. After the analysis of findings, the conclusions and recommendation are given on the bases of potential pitfall and success of CRM system help in increase the value for both customer and organization. 1. Introduction In todays business environment, it is very important to understand the consumers behaviour as it shapes the market trends. They are well aware, more educated, and more serious in demanding for product and services that they require and they are well aware of the technology and comparing the products. It is imperative for the organisation to understand and share their internal customer knowledge and then combine it with new information about their customers in order to compete in the market and to achieve the future success. The basic three steps in marketing process is to understand the market place, designing marketing strategy in order to customer driven and making up marketing program, which leads to the forth and most important step, is to build a profitable customer relationships, ( kotler Armstrong, 2006). In order to establish such relationship it is most important to understand Customer relationship management (CRM) which is concept of modern marketing reforms. Kotler 2006, customer relationship management is the overall process of building and maintaining profitable customer relationship by offering superior customer value and satisfaction which means deals with all the aspects of attaining, maintaining and growing customer needs (kotler Armstrong, 2006). Although customer care is always being given importance in the commercial activity, the new model of Customer relationship management known as CRM is very essential for organization in adapting a customer focused structure, which can maximises the potential value of customers expectations from the company and get the opportunity of making business strategy on the basis of information obtain from customer (Kenneth, 2002). The research describes the various aspects, like customer focus strategy, reforms needed to current customer business processes, change management and constant progress in developing and implementation of CRM system. The research further describes the present literature on CRM, benefits and possible barrier to CRM system in the context of German organization, analyzing the observation during the visits to companies in Bremen. AIM The aim of the research is to evaluate the importance, implementation of Customer relationship management system. Objectives To understand the key definition of CRM. To explore the importance of developing CRM in an organization To analyze the benefits of Information process on CRM framework. To examine the framework and literature of CRM and compare it to the companies visited in Bremen. 2. Literature review 2.1 CRM perspectives In the business environment customer plays important role and considered to be top priority. This statement is much more reliable, strong and applicable to todays world than it was before. The organization success is fairly depends on their ability to facilitate customer constantly, fulfil all their specific needs of product and service. This concept is understood by studying customer relationship management (CRM) where its all about to locating, obtaining and retaining customer. Gartner considered CRM as mostly recognized customer and sales oriented strategy which includes advance technology to manage, mechanize, and bring success in to business processes mainly sales activities, but also involve those of marketing, customer service and technical support. The overall objectives is to attract more customer from the market, look after them and looking after existing customers, attract former clients back into the fold, and minimize marketing and client service costs (Gartner 2009). While Buttle, F. (2009) considered CRM as nothing more than relationship marketing, but also by manipulate customer to continue possible communication to increase customer consistency, maintenance and ultimate goal is to develop long term relationships. There is a great need of CRM because of rapid development of marketing and technology which goal is to understand the customer and to achieve enduring success in the competitive business environment. As CRM is present in mostly busin ess operation, Peelen, E (2005) believes that CRM is very influential tool for both business to business and business to consumer environments, but it has been underestimated. Due to the great exploitation of information technology, seller community and expert community, has great interest in CRM. The two terms CRM and relationship marketing used interchangeably in academic area (Parvatiyar sheth, 2001). CRM is a comprehensive strategy and process of attaining, retaining, and create association with the selected customer help to build superior value to the company and the customer (Parvatiyar sheth, 2001). Many marketing efforts considered to be used for customer retention which helps in customer attachment which can be achieved by staying in touch with customer after the sale is made, Vavra (1992). CRM is going beyond existing of literature because it require a cross functional combination of processes, people, operations and marketing capabilities that is possible through information technology and applications (Payne and Frow, 2005). In fact CRM goes ahead of customer focus, CRM not include only to make relationships and a system usage for collection and analyzing data it also involves in the integration of all these activities throughout the firm, connecting these activities to both firm and customer value. This enhance the capability of firm to enlarge this integration along the value chain, and development for the integration of these activities across the network of firm, these pool resource customer value while building shareholder value of firm, (Boulding, Staelin , Ehret Johnston 2005). 2.2The importance of CRM In one of customer think corporation survey, 68% customer leave due to poor services provided by companies show in appendix 1. The key to success is to create strong and long term relationship with customer. CRM is an important tool to generate benefits for both customer and sellers. They treated every customer specially and try to get the appropriate information about the usage of their purchase which makes firms to increase their sales and also increase customer loyalty. Furthermore CRM also helps in making the sale processes very easy and simple which help sales staff to deal faster. There is great opportunity for the organization to cross selling and up selling to customers which are loyal to firms through CRM. This helps the organization to develop the quality and better relationship with customers which also improve customer satisfaction, hence gained customer loyalty. Research suggests that new customer cost organization 4 to 8 times more than existing customer, Cannie and Caplin (1991) also suggest that keep customer for life time is better than sale at one time. With the help of CRM organization is capable to predict customer behaviour during purchases of product and services; with the support of IT by using different ways of communication with customer and stored it in business database. As there is rapid change in the customer behaviour, the most sensible way is to keep track of customer change and persuade them properly is to build supportive and collaborative relationship with customer (Sheth Sisodia, 1995). CRM also creates very useful knowledgeable platform and processes between companies and their customer as past study proves that CRM is very powerful competitive tool in improving success of companies and their customer. 2.3 How CRM system works for organization CRM Framework The theoretical frameworks are based on the combination of previous literature, experience and common sense (Eisenhardt, 1989). There are many different inspirations which result in different development, but it is not possible that one successful CRM framework is suitable for every business sector (Duane, 2009). Many researchers suggested that integrated framework should be on the basis of conceptualization and should be process oriented (Payne, 2005, Dous2005, Parvatiyar, 2001 in Appendix 2). Payne et al, (2005) develop a framework for CRM on five generic processes, which are, (1 the information management process, (2The multichannel integration process, (3 the value creation process, (4 the strategy development process and (5 the performance assessment process. After this framework given by Payne, an effective CRM is now to support and give value to the wide number of customers and employees; CRM has to support wide range of roles, channels and devices. Mainly, CRM activity will involve in the collection of customers, suppliers, partners and relevant data thorough multiple channels of way like web, phone, email, fax etc, (the multichannel integration process) and using Knowledge management(KM) approaches to transform the collected data in to the useful information for making business decisions (the information management process). Vision and objectives of company must be identified clearly (the strategy development process) than to transform it in to the different business programs and processes that gives mutual benefits to customer and business (the value creation process). The next step of CRM process cycle is to create the interaction with customer in order to maximize commercial exposure and return (the integration process). Finally progress is needed to be checked to look for any failure and helps to keep track the configuration of goals, resources and results (performance assessment process). 2.3.1The information process The fundamental to the successful implementation of CRM strategy requires flawless customer centric process, which is supported by integrated technology throughout the enterprise and also its supply chain which give right information at right time (Radcliffe, 2001). In supporting the statement that technology solutions support CRM, CRM must be flexible, customizable, connivance, cost effective and speed of operation, it must match the requirement of business. However, CRM tool is just a addition to CRM strategy, proper strategy and outstanding implementation is essential for a success of CRM (Parvatiyar, et. Al. 2001) 2.3.2The strategy development and the value creation process The strategy development process shall include basic steps of strategy formation, decision making and implementation. Bell (2000) points out that understanding the present allows people to attain an orienting perspective to provide a basic for moving forward. Hence, the strategy formation for CRM shall be based on the company mission and objective with taking into consideration the value creation for customer, employees and investors. Then, decided on the long term plan and operating plan based on the objectives set. Finally, take necessary action to effect implementation. The value-creation process is built on the capabilities and motivation of the companys employees to develop product and process innovation according to customer needs; to identify existing and potential customer profitability for decision on customer acquisition and customer retention activities; and the organizations value to customers, and the basis of its valuation by shareholders. At this point, KM participate an important roles by putting the information processing power of technology to anticipating or predicting customer needs. 2.3.3The multichannel integration The multi-channel integration process plays important roles to transform business strategy and value creation into value-adding interactions with customers. Those include all pre-sales communications, sales interaction, post-sale service and support with customer. At the present, there are many means of communications available in the market such as internet, direct mail, ground sales force and telephony; or a hybrid channel model which involves multiple channels. Therefore, for the company it is important to work on individual channel roles and tailoring them according the targeted customers segments needs instead of trying to capture all customer needs like provide Everything to Everyone Everywhere. 2.3.4 Performance Assessment process The performance assessment process covers the very important task of monitoring, CRM indicators is connected to the set objectives; which helps managers in making of plans ,taking decisions and guide ongoing daily activites. Kaplan Norton (2001) pointed out that since the traditional financial measurement tools such as balance sheets, profit and loss statement and cash flow statement are introduce to measure the activities like strong versus poor indicators, companies started implementation of very different method of measurement based on their internal decision making style.Kellen (2002) recommended a comprehensive CRM measurement frameworks which includes point of view from a verity of different business unit. The CRM measurement framework includes brand building, customer equity building, customer-facing operations and leading indicator measurement. 2.3.5 CRM global management There are many large internationally oriented companies which are today trying to become global by integrating their worldwide operations. To accomplish this they are seeking helpful and concerted solutions for global operations from their sellers instead of just engage in transactional activities with them (Parvatiyar Sheth, 2001).such customers make it very essential for marketers interested in many global business to adopt CRM programs, mainly global account management program (Yip Madsen 1996).Global account management (GAM) is theoretically similar to national account management programs a part from (GAM) have to be global in scope and thus more complex. To mange customer relationship management around the world there is essential need of external and internal partnering activities, this also includes the partnering across a firms worldwide organization. 2.4 Barrier to CRM CRM is considering being helpful tool for achieving organization goals, but when applying CRM concept and technologies to business operation needs through commitment. Depends on business to business type and how far they want to expand their application ,management has to find out the possible problem come across in the process of before ,during and after implementing these application. Here are some problems cited by Ramsay (2003) which are followings. 2.4.1 Lack of definition The rapid change in business environment, CRM is enclosed with new ideas, concepts, new technology, new methodologies, and constantly developing. As a result many companies are having difficulties in acquiring new technology, and also unsure about where to start. Management is not sure about how to approach CRM and how that affect the different phases of companys operation. 2.4.2 Poor leadership The team which are in leaders of CRM efforts are mostly functional heads who often do not have enough strategic plan or perspective experience of CRM. They are strictly being measured according to their specific activities within their functions. While the main focus should be on the companys overall strategies. One other factor is that most of CRM program are implemented projected base on general technical-requirements focus instead of business need focus. As mention earlier that CRM is strategic process that helps companies in understanding customer needs. So, companies can improve their processes to provide these needs to their customer (Oracle, 2006). 2.4.3 Insufficient help from CRM vendors CRM vendors are the ones who provide the new tools for organizations. Most of the time they only pointed out those CRM aspect which are involved in the product rather than focus on main important factors of CRM in lot of business areas. There are some vendors who would convince the customer by implementing CRM system, than the customer can solve all the problems which are facing by them currently. 3. Germany Germany is the world most famous second populous nation and Europes largest economy .Germany country itself is very strong position in its region in terms of economical, political and in defence organization. German economy is the fifth largest economy in the world in PPP terms is a leading exporter of machinery, vehicles, chemicals, and household equipment and benefits from highly skilled labour force( is among worlds largest and technologically advanced producers of iron, steel, coal, cement, chemicals, machinery, vehicles, machine tools, electronics, food, beverages, metal fabrication, shipbuilding, machine building, textiles and petroleum refining. In all above services and manufacturing account is the dominant share of German economic activities, raw materials and semi manufactured goods make a large portion of imports. Germany is democratic federal parliamentary nation, made up of 16 federal states in which Bremen is main port and tenth largest state of Ger many. 4. Bremen Bremen city population 551,600, capital of the state of Bremen, located North West of Germany along with Weser River .the state or Bremen was formed in 1947 by combining the two main parts Bremen and Bremerhaven both are the main port of state as well, where Bremen covers 325 square kilometres and Bremerhaven covers 80 square kilometres. Bremen is Germanys largest port after Hamburg and its commercial and industrial center trading in cotton, wool, tobacco and copper. The city of Bremen products include ships, aircraft, steel, machinery, electrical equipment, textiles, beer and foodstuff, specifically roasted coffee. Bremen has employed about half of workforce working in commerce, transportation and service sector. The shipyard was one of the largest employers closed in 1996. It is the oldest port city of German. Bremen strongly depended on industry sector of 83% in the economy. 5. Methodology This research mainly focuses on the importance implementation of CRM system in context to German organization.acoording to this, case study approach is adopted which enables the researcher in understanding and to pose question related to what happen, how thing work in CRM system and why (yin, 2003).the above literature review helps researcher in the different aspects of CRM system, potential pitfall and where to go during the implementation of CRM system in organization. The data for case study analysis was collected very short period of time which includes the 7 days visit to two main city of German state which is Bremen and Bremerhaven .there are some presentation arrange by the individuals representing their companies and there is interview session as well. The main two companies are chosen for findings is beluga and DB schenker. Mainly the data is collected from the company websites and during the interview session, informal communication with staff members and managers of organization the notes are made which helps researcher in relate the practical experience and observation with the literature review. The structure of CRM System is studied by using different articles ,books, academic journals .research papers and internet web pages which is relate back to data .Silverman (1998) stated that researcher should focus on what people do and what they say they do. These combined approaches give researcher a useful help in generating that data which i s rich in detail and high in rigidity (Miles and Huberman, 1994). 6. CRM in terms of German context The customer is main focus of every business and it is also been noticed in over visit to organization in Bremen is how their overall objectives of the companies fulfilling the needs of their customer. The presenter of Beluga, DB schenker and hansaflex also give evidence of complete satisfaction for their customer. Mostly of these organizations providing best services benefits to their clients. The beluga shipping was founded by presented and CEO Niels Stolberg in 1995, they working as a simple cargo operator during that time. From the very start off beluga shipping focus to create solid and fast rising niche market project and working on controlled heavy-lift cargo. The beluga group, consisting of main business, beluga shipping GmbH, beluga chartering GmbH and beluga fleet management GmbH co .offering to their customer a complete expert service worldwide, beluga is always in coordination with customer in every step of project planning and successful understanding .the beluga chartering involves the expertise of every cargo which closely work with transport engineering and operation department. They know exactly which ship is suitable for which cargo and also ensuring of continues employment of fleet. The beluga core service fleet management is responsible for fleet support, quality management, ship management, technical management with crewing and recruitment and planning of beluga cadets (management of sea academy) and supervision of new building projects is also in list of fleet management expertise. Beluga shipping managed strategic focus of how, flexibility and expansion, which make them the leading international specialist of heavy shipment of sensitive, bulky cargo which is difficult to handle. Due to the experienced experts at beluga shipping Gmbh that helps in achieving the demands of customer worldwide on the basis of modern fleet and advance technology, which involve the use for more than 70 multipurpose heavy lift cargos carries. These also ensure there is one ideally suited vessel is available for the respective specific challenge. Deutsche Bahn AG was founded in 1994; today it is worlds leading operators of passenger and logistics companies in 150 countries. The company rail activities in Germany are its core business. DB schenker is combination of transport and logistics activities of (Deutsche Bahn) employing more than 91,000 staff spread across around 2,000 locations. DB schenker is one of the leading global integrated logistics service providers and has a leading goods transport rail network at its disposal. Having its dense network DB schenker is operating in one of the world most important economic region, in air and ocean transport, in European land transport, in contact logistics as well as in supply chain management. With the help of this very special goods transport rail network company claim to provide quick and efficient solutions for the most varying of client requirements both with regards to trade and industry. 7. Main findings The presenter of beluga is much inspire from the company CEO work and the current setup business they have .Beckhusen explained how they managing the relation with customer while operating in the niche market of project and heavy lift cargo. As CRM makes itself necessary tool for business because it differentiate an organization among the competitor with the useful knowledge resource about product and also the ability to quick identifying and find solutions to customers problems (Nguyen, sheriff, and Newby,2007). Beluga presenter explained the knowledge about the product like, specialized in heavy lifting cargo and continues innovation for example, the continued expansion of the fleet capacity, to make vessel which can fulfil the demand of super heavy cargo uplifting possible.currenty the vessels in their fleet 69 units with the capacity of 800 tons and more ,than strategic target for the end of 2012 is 75 units, these new vessels will be equipped with cargo handing gear which can li ft a combinable load of up to 1400 tons on the most powerful units (its called Beluga P-class ). Db scheker presenter claimed that the huge network of rail service help in supporting the main dominant area of their business operation. Europeanization provides enormous opportunities for the railways. DB Schenker Rail getting advantage and has already made tremendous effort not only on the production but also on service side, customer focus is good example for better processes. Having no1 position in rail freight to maintain strong relationship with customer the CEO of DB Schenker rail Hedderich, explains that the expansion of rail fright helps to sustain that relationship and to attract new customer, which requires integrated planning across all the companies and across national border, in those countries where we find partner with strong performance, we work together with them. Putting customer in mind and work continually fulfilling the needs of customer Hedderich, also answer to the question about is customer will go along u current strategy? That restructuring is something th at many of our customers wanted because the quality of cross-border transport in many cases leaves something to be desired. Like Phelon (2004) define CRM by saying that customer leverage is an art. The rapid increase in the demand for heavy cargo and there is need of technological advancement for best compete in the market, Beluga use the up to date advance technology and also work along with partners to get growth in other potential markets .t( Nguyen, sheriff, and Newby,2007 ) stated that CRM helps in reducing the gap between customer and organization ,contributing to organizational success through customer loyalty, better service , superior information gathering and learning organizational. Beluga follow customer orientation approach, like we are, where the customer needs us any time offering 24/7 direct customer approach. Furthermore entrant of new markets like in March 2009 in the oil and gas sectors, Norway offers attractive opportunities for the Beluga fleet. So in order to understand and close view of the local market establish strong personal contacts with customer and also keenly to get involved in regional development in the maritime sector ,Beluga shipping GmbH esta blished a wholly owned subsidiary ,the beluga project (Norway) ,the board of director is constituted by Niels Stolberg (president and CEO of beluga shipping GmbH).the strategy to get closer to potential market helps in attracting new customer ,its increases customer satisfaction and reliability. Like in Asia region, the advantage of local presence, especially in Beijing, is being close the shippers and decision-making centres as well as to the freight forwarding companies and, in particular, being able to offer an extra service to industry through our cargo superintendents in Shanghai,says Jaap den Hartog, director of Beluga Chartering Department for Asia,(blue line beluga magazine .2008,page 35) The company can access easily to potential customer information and give possible solutions for customer problems. After successfully settle down and dealing with customer in Norway, Beluga CEO Niels Stolberg says, thanks to our local presence in Norway, we are able to position beluga fro coming project well ahead of time, we want to integrated our modern hardware and our innovative corporate philosophy into projects as early as possible, giving our customer a reliable transport solution, Confirmed by sales manager Robert instinsky. One important feature of CRM customer selectivity as research studies reveals that ,all customer are not equally profitable for an individual company (Storbacka,2000).the company therefore must be selective and tailoring its programs and marketing efforts by segmenting appropriate customer for individual marketing programs .in one news service (Oliver Schumacher issued by DB mobility logistics AG potsdamer platz 2, 10785 Berlin,Germany,2009) DB schenker is now leader in innovative air freight concepts. There is service operating by DB Schenker called skybridge service, example offering the unique intermodal solution to the combination of air and ocean freight from Asia to Europe Via Dubai, getting advantage from the low price of ocean fright with the speed of air fright. This combination of air and ocean frights Company get significantly lower cost compared to pure air freight, the offer is very attractive for companies that do not want to sacrifice the time advantage of air fright. DB Schenker is able to successful allocate its resources to those customer to serve its best to create mutual value. In global ocean freight, to giving importance to their customer the local presence of DB Schenker logistics combines the local market knowledge, global expertise, and the strength (2,000 locations in 130 countries) they have in their operating businesses helps to achieving organization goals. They can give useful solution to their local customer problems having in the operation of logistics services. As we look the above findings both companies working continuously on improving the quality of its products and services. To achieve successfully this, the ability of its customer service departments to response quickly and accurately to enquiries about the customer shipments is essential. As Beluga is working in niche market but the satisfaction of the customer is main priority of business. there is successful implementation of empowerment in organization .as Beckhausen describe her achievement from assistant to director in 5 years is the proof of company has the policy encouraging employees .the main decision is taken by the top management but they also encouraging lower management new ideas to work on it, than the ideas are successfully implemented in organization, this give employees as sense of freedom and encouragement which also helps to improve employee performance. while in DB schenker the case is different , Janina explained that most of the decision is taken by the top level management, there is no empowerment in organization, like the employees are working on day to day routine job no new ideas are encourage and implemented from the lower management. This will leads to inefficiency in work which will put adverse effect on customer relations with organization. Because employees plays basic role in the delivery of CRM activities, the firm need to give attention to organizational matter related to CRM it is important area of consideration, Data and technology processes and system are essential for CRM activities, in these processes and system without appropriate human interaction the returns on investments in these area is at risk (Boulding, Staelin, Ehret Johnston 2005).customer can loss trust on companys ability to deliverer quick and efficient work. For beluga and db Schenker, logistics is a key competitive quality factor. The factors behind the market success of beluga shipping are following. Quality and on schedule performance Precision and reliability Flexibility Expertise. While factors of market success for Db schenker logistics are; Linking component to the flow of goods. True sustainable footprint.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Price Test Triggers Outrage on Internet :: Essays Papers

Price Test Triggers Outrage on Internet Will dynamic pricing become the next trend in e-commerce? Maybe, to unsuspecting consumers, it already is. The Internet provides consumers with many shopping advantages including the ease and availability of shopping from home, and the benefit of easily comparing merchandise and prices at various online retail locations. Dynamic pricing is a process where retailers (in this case, online) adjust their pricing according to information directly related to the purchasing consumer, or the conditions around them. An example of dynamic pricing in the physical world might be the local coffee shop charging more for hot coffee in the wintertime. This seems rather harmless, does it not? In e-commerce this kind of price fixing is worrisome because of the type of information a web site developer can retrieve from, or add to a visitor's computer using a variety of programming tools. There are few laws or regulations governing the use of the Internet, or protecting consumers' privacy. This c reates a wide open door for online marketing schemes that take advantage of, or deceive the consumer. David Sheffield, or the Washington Post, writes that, one of the leading online retailers, has been implementing a questionable pricing test. Using advanced technology, Amazon was able to place an electronic tag into the computer systems of all their web site visitors. When a consumer visited their web site, it would look for that tag on the visitors system to see if the visitor is a new or existing customer. By knowing this, the site would know what prices to display. Though one would think the repeat customer would benefit from this by getting price breaks, it was actually just the opposite. was charging higher prices for returning customers! Bill Curry, spokesman for, is quoted as saying the price test "was done to determine consumers' responses to different discount levels." However, in an email exchange with a DVDTalk member, an Amazon customer service representative stated "I would first like to send along my most sincere apology for any confusion or frustration caused by our dynamic price test". Whether it was dynamic pricing, or not, the deeper issue of consumers' online privacy still remains. was able to perform this "price test" because of a lack of laws regulating e-commerce, and consumer privacy. There are only a few laws now pertaining directly to Internet related issues, and most of these are state laws, not national. Price Test Triggers Outrage on Internet :: Essays Papers Price Test Triggers Outrage on Internet Will dynamic pricing become the next trend in e-commerce? Maybe, to unsuspecting consumers, it already is. The Internet provides consumers with many shopping advantages including the ease and availability of shopping from home, and the benefit of easily comparing merchandise and prices at various online retail locations. Dynamic pricing is a process where retailers (in this case, online) adjust their pricing according to information directly related to the purchasing consumer, or the conditions around them. An example of dynamic pricing in the physical world might be the local coffee shop charging more for hot coffee in the wintertime. This seems rather harmless, does it not? In e-commerce this kind of price fixing is worrisome because of the type of information a web site developer can retrieve from, or add to a visitor's computer using a variety of programming tools. There are few laws or regulations governing the use of the Internet, or protecting consumers' privacy. This c reates a wide open door for online marketing schemes that take advantage of, or deceive the consumer. David Sheffield, or the Washington Post, writes that, one of the leading online retailers, has been implementing a questionable pricing test. Using advanced technology, Amazon was able to place an electronic tag into the computer systems of all their web site visitors. When a consumer visited their web site, it would look for that tag on the visitors system to see if the visitor is a new or existing customer. By knowing this, the site would know what prices to display. Though one would think the repeat customer would benefit from this by getting price breaks, it was actually just the opposite. was charging higher prices for returning customers! Bill Curry, spokesman for, is quoted as saying the price test "was done to determine consumers' responses to different discount levels." However, in an email exchange with a DVDTalk member, an Amazon customer service representative stated "I would first like to send along my most sincere apology for any confusion or frustration caused by our dynamic price test". Whether it was dynamic pricing, or not, the deeper issue of consumers' online privacy still remains. was able to perform this "price test" because of a lack of laws regulating e-commerce, and consumer privacy. There are only a few laws now pertaining directly to Internet related issues, and most of these are state laws, not national.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Visual Perception Essay -- Biology Essays Research Papers

Visual Perception Any one given experience an organism perceives must incorporate several sensory systems, that involves numerous number of organs , that further more are comprised of millions upon millions of firing cells. Perception is not a direct mirroring of stimulus, but a complex chaotic patterns dependent on the simultaneously activity of neurons. This essay deals primarily with neurons from the optical sensory system. The outer ridge of the brain, known as the cerebral cortex begins the analysis of sensory messages. (1) Nevertheless, visual perception is possibly more widespread than one area of the cerebral cortex and like ly over various subcortical structures and number of different systems as well. (2) One of the many ways for the "perception process" to begin, is vision. Vision is dependent on the interaction between light input and the eye. The visual input is seen through lens that takes different light outside, refract and bend into points of light that focus on specific places on the retina. This light-sensitive tissue that lines the back of the eye consists of interconnected neurons. The three diff erent types are receptor cells, bipolar cells and ganglian cells. When photoreceptors are stimulated, they change in structure of photopigments in the receptors and transduce light input into neural activity. (2) Electrical stimulus trave ls down the axon of bipolar cells to the ganglian cells. The ganglian cells are activated through nerve impulses or action potentials and travel down the optic nerve. This activity conducts along the optic nerve to the geniculate nucleus that then travels to the mid- brain. (2) Finally the firing neurons activity travels to the cortex at the back of the brain, known as the stria... ...ic methods are more reasonable than linear, straightforward procedures. Is it reasonable that all of what one perceives is dependent exclusively on a specific set of procedures, rather than the interaction of cells, organs and systems? The former process seems to be improbable, while the latter process proves to be a chaotic, massive and cooperative. It was alluded to in class that one does not need the formulized "picture" or the visual perception. Nonetheless, I think that this added perplexity is a necessity. The visual perception of the "picture" encourages our understanding of ourselves as we ll as our surroundings. Internet Sources: Ratlif f, Floyd. "Contour and Contrast," Scientific American, June 1972, pp. 91-101 Crutchfield, James. "Chaos," Scientific American, December 1986, pp. 46-57